Keli DiRisio Headshot

Keli DiRisio

Associate Professor

School of Design
College of Art and Design
Undergraduate Program Director, Graphic Design

Office Location

Keli DiRisio

Associate Professor

School of Design
College of Art and Design
Undergraduate Program Director, Graphic Design


AAS, Cazenovia College; BFA, MS, MFA, Rochester Institute of Technology


Areas of Expertise

Select Scholarship

Peer Reviewed/Juried Poster Presentation or Conference Paper
DiRisio, Keli, Lorrie Frear, and Carol Fillip. "GRAPHIC DESIGN STUDENTS DESIGN, DEVELOP AND DELIVER FOR CLIENTS." Proceedings of the 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Ed. Keli DiRisio, Lorrie Frear, Carol Fillip. Valencia, Spain: n.p..
DiRisio, Keli, Nicole Trabold, and Allison O'Malley. "Avatars and health care: Use of a Virtual health coach." Proceedings of the 2021 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence. Ed. NA. Remote, USA: n.p..
DiRisio, Keli, Carol Fillip, and Lorrie Frear. "Student Designers Working with Clients to Solve Problems." Proceedings of the UCDA Design Education Summit Re-. Ed. Keli DiRisio, Carol Fillip, and Lorrie Frear. Remote, USA: n.p..
Published Game, Application or Software
Trabold, Keli DiRisio, Nicole. Base Campus. Phone or Smart Device App. Self. 2022.
National/International Competition Award Winner
DiRisio, Keli, et al. UCDA. Award of Excellence: Health-e Journey. Remote, USA, 2021.
DiRisio, Keli, et al. IDA. Honorable Mention: Health-e Journey. Remote, International, 2021.
Invited Keynote/Presentation
DiRisio, Keli. "Foundational Graphic Design: The Principles of Design." Graphic Design Workshop. Keuka College. Keuka Park, New York. 10 Oct. 2020. Lecture.
DiRisio, Keli. "Thinking Outside the Classroom: Creative Approaches to Online Teaching II." a2ru: Navigating Online Arts Instruction Webinar Series Thinking Outside the Classroom Creative Approaches to Online Teaching Part II. a2ru. online, New York. 10 Sep. 2020. Guest Lecture.
DiRisio, Keli. "Contemporary Issues in Design." Graphic Design Lectures. Nazareth College. online, New York. 14 Oct. 2020. Guest Lecture.
Show 3 More
DiRisio, Keli. Form+Function. 1 Jan. 2020. Keuka College Lightner Gallery, Keuka Park. Exhibit.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course will introduce the concepts, principles and techniques of motion design and animation. Topics covered are planning and organization methods in the form of storyboards, animatics, kinetics, animation principles, sequencing, composition, visual variables, and forms of narrative storytelling. Focus is on the integration of time and media, such as illustration, photography, video, audio, animation and type, to communicate a moving message. This course will emphasize design from a problem-solving point of view and explores the production-timeline.
3 Credits
This comprehensive course will expand student knowledge of motion principles and theories and allow students to hone their technical skills. The course will cover advanced principles of motion graphics and animated storytelling. Focus will be on complex motion and animation techniques and best workflow practices. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional elements will be incorporated in working with spatial and visual continuity. Emphasis will be on experimentation, interactive storytelling, and the ability to convey a message through motion. Advanced techniques such as graph editors, working in 3D space with camera and motion tracking, video, audio, rotoscoping, compositing, and rendering will be introduced.
3 Credits
This course will explore information design. Problem-solving focuses on functional requirements, information transmission, accessibility, and design structure across a range of formats. Applied problems are solved through principles of systems thinking, structure, diagrammatic interpretation, and the visual display of information. This course will build upon the principles and theories learned in Graphic Design Studio II with project solutions developed for print media, motion and digital use.
3 Credits
In this course students will learn strategies to obtain internships and permanent employment in the graphic design profession. Emphasis will be placed on the various positions available to designers, the designer/client relationship, business aspects of design, and professional ethics and expectations. At the conclusion of this course students will be able to create promotional materials, including resume and portfolio design so that students can effectively and professionally present themselves in the field.
3 Credits
This course focuses on the application of advanced interactive methods using graphic design concepts, principles, and processes, along with the theories and methodologies of interactive design. Students will develop and refine skills in project planning, research, interface design and methods, UX/UI and usability through applied projects. Students will be encouraged to explore highly structured as well as highly experimental approaches to merging content with interactivity design while also incorporating social-cultural issues.
1 - 6 Credits
This course exposes students to the professional environment through outside job opportunities in graphic design studios, advertising agencies, corporate communications departments, and other acceptable organizations. Students will work under the guidance of art directors, creative directors, senior graphic designers, or marketing communications managers and perform creative work that is educational and meaningful for their short-term academic goals as well as their long-range career preparation. Documentation of the experience is required and final review from employer is obtained. The appointed faculty adviser will meet with the student upon completion for final evaluation for a grade. Students must obtain pre-approval of their department and complete the Internship Approval Form. Credit earned is used toward elective credits.
1 - 6 Credits
Graphic Design Independent Study will provide students with the ability to focus in a specialized area of graphic design with an individual faculty member. Students, with the assistance of a faculty adviser, will propose a course of study. The independent study student must obtain permission of an instructor and department by completing the Independent Study Proposal Form to enroll.

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