Kamal Shahrabi
RIT Kosovo
Currently Teaching
Discrete Mathematics
4 Credits
This course is an introduction to the topics of discrete mathematics, including number systems, sets and logic, relations, combinatorial methods, graph theory, regular sets, vectors, and matrices.
Contemporary Science: Physics
3 Credits
An introduction to the fundamental principles of physics for non-science majors, and the application of these concepts to areas of interest and concern in our contemporary technological society. The conceptual basis for the phenomena of heat, light, sound, mechanics, electricity and magnetism is discussed and related to such topics as astronomy, space exploration, lasers, and environmental concerns. This course includes an online lab component.
In the News
July 29, 2020
The Biberaj Foundation Inc. announces a $1.1 million scholarship for 40 RIT Kosovo students
The Biberaj Foundation Inc. announced a new academic scholarship, in the amount of $1,160,000, for 40 students to study to obtain a bachelor’s degree at RIT Kosovo/American University in Kosovo Foundation. Preference will be given to students interested in science, technology, engineering, math, and journalism concentrations.