MD Ahasan Habib Headshot

MD Ahasan Habib

Assistant Professor

Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology

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MD Ahasan Habib

Assistant Professor

Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology
College of Engineering Technology


Dr. Habib achieved his Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees in the field of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering. His research revolves around digital intelligent manufacturing, particularly focusing on Additive Manufacturing (AM). He has put forth numerous methods to enhance the efficiency of resource usage within the AM technique using his industrial and manufacturing background. His primary interest lies in the application of this manufacturing approach to bio-manufacturing. To achieve the advanced manufacturing systems capable of producing large-scale functional tissue scaffolds, he is investigating suitable biomaterials and related process parameters to ensure seamless coordination between interconnected manufacturing steps using mechatronics, robotics, and automation. Additionally, he is actively incorporating machine learning principles to identify optimal digital manufacturing parameters and materials.

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US Patent

  1. Khoda, Bashir, Nazmul Ahsan, Md Habib, and X. I. E. Ruinan. "Automatic metal wire bending (AMWB) apparatus to manufacture shape conforming lattice structure with continuum design for manufacturable topology." U.S. Patent 11,752,534, issued September 12, 2023.

Journal Articles

  1. Habib, M. D., Sarah, R., Tuladhar, S., Khoda, B., & Limon, S. M., 2024. Modulating Rheological Characteristics of Bio-Ink with Component Weight and Shear Rate for Enhanced Bioprinted Scaffold Fidelity. Bioprinting, 38, e00332.
  2. Limon, S. M., Quigley, C., Sarah, R., & Habib, M. D., 2024.  Advancing Scaffold Porosity through A Machine Learning Framework in Extrusion Based 3D Bioprinting. Frontiers in Materials, 10, 1337485.
  3. Quigley, C., Limon, S., Sarah, R., & Habib, M. A. 2023. Factorial Design of Experiment Method to Characterize Bioprinting Process Parameters to Obtain the Targeted Scaffold Porosity. Journal of 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing.
  4. Quigley, C., Sarah, R., Hurd, W., Clark, S., & Habib, M. A. 2023. Design and Fabrication of In-house Nozzle System to Extrude Multi-Hydrogels for 3D Bioprinting Process. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
  5. Mankowsky,J., Quigley, C., Clark, S., & Habib, M. A. 2023. Identifying Suitable 3D Bio-Printed Scaffold Architectures to Incubate in a Perfusion Bioreactor: Simulation and Experimental Approaches. Journal of Medical Devices.
  6. Tuladhar, S.; Clark, S.; Habib, A. 2023, Tuning Shear Thinning Factors of 3D Bio-Printable Hydrogels Using Short Fiber. Materials, 16, 572.
  7. Nelson, C., Tuladhar, S., & Habib, M.A., 2022. Physical Modification of Hybrid Hydrogels to Fabricate Full-Scale Construct Using 3D Bio-Printing Process, Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing.
  8. Quigley, C., Tuladhar, S., & Habib, M.A., 2022. A Roadmap to Fabricate Geometrically Accurate Three-Dimensional Scaffolds Co-Printed by Natural and Synthetic Polymers. Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing.
  9. Nelson, C., Tuladhar, S., & Habib, M. A. 2022. Designing an Interchangeable Multi-Material Nozzle System for the 3D Bioprinting Process. Journal of Medical Devices.
  10. Habib, M. A., & Khoda, B., 2022, Rheological analysis of bio-ink for 3D bio-printing processes. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 76, 708-718.
  11. Nelson, C., Tuladhar, S., Launen, L. and Habib, A.*, 2021. 3D Bio-Printability of Hybrid Pre-Crosslinked Hydrogels. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(24), p.13481.
  12. Habib, A. and Khoda, B., 2021. Fiber Filled Hybrid Hydrogel for Bio-Manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 143.4 (2021): 041013.
  13. Habib, A. and Khoda, B., 2019. Development of clay based novel hybrid bio-ink for 3D bio-printing process. Journal of Manufacturing Processes38, pp.76-87.
  14. Habib, A., Sathish, V., Mallik, S. and Khoda, B., 2018. 3D printability of alginate-carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogel. Materials11(3), p.454.
  15. Habib, A. and Khoda, B., 2017. Support grain architecture design for additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes29, pp.332-342.
  16. Habib, A. and Khoda, B., 2017. Attribute driven process architecture for additive manufacturing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing44, pp.253-265.
  17. Ahsan, A.N., Habib, A. and Khoda, B., 2015. Resource based process planning for additive manufacturing. Computer-Aided Design69, pp.112-125.
  18. Hossain, N.U.I., Nur, F. and Habib, A., 2013. Achieving competitive advantage through practicing TQM tools in Pharmaceuticals Company. Journal of Mechanical Engineering43(2), pp.103-109.


  1. Habib, A. and Khoda, B., 2018. Assessing printability of alginate-carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogels. ISERC-IISE; Orlando Florida. (Best paper in M & D track).
  2. Quigley, C., Habib, A., Co-printing Natural and Synthetic Biopolymers: Mechanical Properties and Shape Fidelity Aspects. Proceedings of the IISE Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, 2022. (Finalist for the best Manufacturing and Design track paper)
  3. Habib, A.,  and Khoda, Bashir. “Bio-printing large scale 3D scaffold for bio-medical application”, IEEE Red River valley Conference, 2018. (3rd prize for outstanding presentation)
  4. Habib, A., and Khoda, Bashir.  “Machine independent part standardization for AM systems with reverse pyramidal data architecture”, IEEE Red River Valley Conference, 2017. (3rd prize for outstanding presentation).

** A total of 35 conference articles were accepted, presented, and published in different national conferences such as IISE, NAMRC, MSEC, and IMECE from 2014 to till now. Please visit my Google Scholar account to access those papers.

Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course focuses on the technology and application of robots and automation in the modern manufacturing environment. It will provide a thorough understanding of robotic hardware and software. The hardware aspects include robot configurations, drive mechanisms, power systems (hydraulic, pneumatic, and servo actuators), end-effectors and end-of-arm-tooling, sensors, control systems, machine vision, programming, safety, and integration. The software aspect deals with the various methods of textual and lead through programming commonly found on commercial robotic systems, as well as simulation systems offered by robot manufacturers. Digital Interfacing of robots with other automation components such as programmable logic controllers, computer-controlled machines, conveyors, is introduced. Robotic cell design and the socio-economic impact of robotics are also discussed. This course also has a strong experiential component that emphasizes hands-on training. This course may be cross-listed with RMET-685. Students may not take and receive credit for this course if they have already taken RMET-685. College-level programming experience in at least one computer language strongly recommended.
3 Credits
Technology and application of robots and CNC in an integrated manufacturing environment is the focus of this course. An introductory understanding of robotic hardware and software will be provided. The hardware portion of this course involves robot configurations, drive mechanisms, power systems (hydraulic, pneumatic and servo actuators), end-effectors, sensors and control systems. The software portion of this course involves the various methods of textual and lead through programming. Digital interfacing of robots with components such as programmable logic controllers, computer-controlled machines, conveyors, and numerical control will be introduced. Robotic cell design and the socio-economic impact of robotics will also be discussed. This course also has a strong laboratory component that emphasizes hands-on training. This course may be cross listed with RMET-585. Students may not take and receive credit for this course if they have already taken RMET-585.
3 Credits
This course provides the MMSI graduate students an opportunity to complete their degree requirements by addressing a practical real-world challenge using the knowledge and skills acquired throughout their studies. This course is not only the culmination of a student's course work but also an indicator of the student's ability to use diverse knowledge to provide a tangible solution to a problem. The capstone project topic can be in the areas of product development, manufacturing automation, management system, quality management or electronics packaging. The course requires a comprehensive project report and a final presentation.