Medina Orana Headshot

Medina Orana

Head of Academic Services and Adjunct Faculty

RIT Kosovo

Office Location
Main Building-405

Medina Orana

Head of Academic Services and Adjunct Faculty

RIT Kosovo


Ms. Orana's experience in project and change management spans over 10 years. Currently, Medina is a lecturer in Management Unit as well as the Head of Academic Services at Rochester Institute of Technology in Kosovo. Medina also teaches the International Project Management Preparatory Training Program at the Training and Development Institute and has lectured Change and Project Management components at University of Sussex, University of California in Los Angeles and University of Prishtina. Among others, Medina has overseen the transposition of the European Directives on Nuclear Safety and Security as well as European Atomic Energy Community – Euratom Treaty into the legislative framework of Kosovo. She has chaired and coordinated the regional conference “Threats to Nuclear Security” and has founded the eco-tourism enterprise "Ambienturë." She is currently running the Roaming Erasmus Regional Project.

Medina completed her post-graduate studies in Entrepreneurship and Human Element in Leadership at UCLA - University of California in Los Angeles, her graduate studies at University of Sussex with a Master of Science in Economics and her undergraduate studies at Rochester Institute of Technology in Kosovo with concentrations in Management and Economics. She is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) by the Project Management Institute.

Medina received the RIT Provost’s Award for Excellence in Advising which recognizes advisors who have demonstrated exceptional academic advising of students and outstanding support of students and their success in 2021 and the Emerging Leader Award from Kosovo US Alumni Association in 2022 which recognized outstanding contributions by launched crucial initiatives to improve their communities such as the Community Greenhouse to serve as an ecology lab for University of Prishtina as well as the Girl Power Science Fair to motivate high school girls to pursue a career in science.

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Currently Teaching

3 Credits
This course addresses project management from a multidisciplinary perspective, covering the fundamental nature of and techniques for managing a broad range of projects. Topics cover the Project Management Life Cycle from Planning to Termination. It also addresses the behavioral and quantitative facets of project management, as well as the use of methods, tools and techniques for the initiation, planning, and execution of projects. Introduces the standard framework, processes and knowledge areas of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®Guide) as defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI). Project Management is available in on campus and online formats. *Note: BUSI-510 may not be substituted for BUSI-710 in a SOIS graduate concentration or the SOIS advanced certificate in project management. Additionally, a student may not register for and receive credit for both BUSI-510 and BUSI-710, whether taken as an undergraduate or graduate student.*
3 Credits
Sooner or later all organizations change in certain to many respects and for several reasons. This is true for organizations in profit, non-profit and government sectors which all have many things common. Ongoing organizational success frequently depends on how well change is managed given new opportunities, challenges or threats faced by organizations. Managing organizational change requires knowledge of things in an organization that may need to be changed including an organization’s mission, goals, fiscal health, budget, operations and/or production/service capabilities, facilities, unit structure, personnel, culture, technology and other resources. Effective management of organizational change also requires knowledge of and skills in ways to introduce, guide, support, monitor and evaluate changes once they are implemented. This course takes an interdisciplinary applied approach to managing organizational change teaching SOAR-based strategic planning, SWOT analysis, total quality management (TQM) and continuous quality improvement (CQI) among other change models and methods.