Kosovo Crisis Simulation


This assignment asks students to critically reflect on the ethics of their role in an in-class simulation. We simulate the 1999 crisis in Kosovo, especially the months leading up to the NATO decision to begin airstrikes over Kosovo aimed at preventing the wider spread of ethnic cleansing by Serbian forces of the Kosovar Albanian population. 

Lightbulb Case Study


Students develop a financial model that calculates the Net Present Cost (NPC) of buying and operating an incandescent (the regular kind), compact fluorescent (CFL, the "swirly" kind), and an LED bulb and develop a summary of their model, including results and some discussion. 

Psychology Research Response Paper


Students are required to read 6 original psychological articles. This gives students the opportunity to gain an understanding of psychological research straight from the source (rather than through the filter of a textbook). Some of these writings are classic work from early researchers, and others are more contemporary work. All are aimed at giving students an understanding of how psychological research is conducted and reported.