Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee

The Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (SLOAC), formerly the Academic Outcomes Assessment Task Force, was created in 2005 to facilitate and support program level assessment efforts in each college.

Representatives from all colleges and degree granting units and the Office of Educational Effectiveness Assessment sit on this committee. Student learning assessment for all of RIT’s academic programs, regardless of program delivery mode or location, follow the same assessment policies, practices, and annual reporting processes.

We have an institutional commitment to integrating best assessment practices at all levels of the institution, and RIT has moved well beyond foundational stages. We are able to see concretely how assessment results improve quality, drive resource decisions, and strengthen the natural connection between curriculum, pedagogy, and student achievement.

Visit Academic Program and Curriculum Management for additional information on the development of new academic programs.


This committee is part of RIT’s overall commitment to improving student learning and continuous program improvement. The focus of the work is on supporting and facilitating program-level assessment efforts within each college and degree granting unit.

SLOAC’s primary charge is to:

  • Provide recommendations for university assessment needs and strategies related to student learning and program improvement;
  • Advise and support academic program-level learning assessment efforts and best practices in each college and degree granting unit at all locations;
  • Recommend improvements to infrastructure and data management to provide information, planning, and guidance to university-wide assessment efforts;
  • Minimize duplication of efforts by leveraging assessment processes and practices for multiple accrediting bodies and to meet Middle States and RIT assessment standards.


Key Goals and Action Items

Four key goals have been established to enhance student learning, program improvement, and support best practices in assessment. The committee will prioritize and create an implementation plan to support the following goals.

Action Items:

  1. Assist and provide input related to the development of institutional efforts to focus on student learning and program improvement (e.g., assessment plans and processes, etc.)

Action Items:

  1. Develop plans and implement associated actions for addressing college or degree granting unit’s specific assessment challenges and issues
  2. Share data and resources with respective colleges and degree granting units

Action Items:

  1. Develop and support implementation of RIT’s annual Progress Report survey for colleges and degree granting units which aligns to RIT’s Educational Goals
  2. Annually review RIT’s survey and rubric for program-level reporting submissions

Action Items:

  1. Support college or degree granting unit implementation of assessment management system and utilization of technologies to enhance university reporting
  2. Identify steps to implement recommendations or suggestions that support MSCHE assessment expectations and requirements

Committee Members

Leah Bradley
Director of Educational Effectiveness Assessment
Office of Educational Effectiveness Assessment
Academic Affairs
Kathryn Scahill
Assistant Director of Educational Effectiveness Assessment
Office of Educational Effectiveness Assessment
Academic Affairs
Mike Eastman
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Dean’s Office
College of Engineering Technology
Kristen Waterstram-Rich
Interim Associate Dean
Dean’s Office
College of Health Sciences and Technology
Chris Jackson
Senior Associate Dean
Dean’s Office
College of Art and Design
Lauren Hall
Associate Dean
Dean’s Office
College of Liberal Arts
Larry Buckley
Senior Associate Dean
Dean’s Office
College of Science
Michael Yacci
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Dean’s Office
Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences
Dennis Andrejko
Department Chair
Department of Architecture
Golisano Institute for Sustainability
Matthew Marshall
Associate Dean
Dean’s Office
Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Matthew Lynn
Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs
Academic Affairs
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Shawn Sturgeon
Director of Accreditation and Assessment
Department of Management
Saunders College of Business
Peter Boyd
Senior Lecturer
Academic Affairs