Advance RIT Workshop: The Communication Space - Science, Scholarship, and Social Media

Advance RIT Workshop
The Communication Space: Science, Scholarship, and Social Media
Dr. Katie Mack
Assistant Professor of Physics
North Carolina State University
Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Learn how social media can allow academics to be more engaged with the public, journalists, science communicators, government, and each other, and what potential benefits and pitfalls we need to be aware of when sharing our lives and scholarship online.
In today's increasingly connected world, there are endless opportunities for researchers to interact online. Increasing our visibility and engagement can have powerful effects on how we carry out our work as well as on how non-scientists see scientists and their own relationships to science and the research community. I will discuss how social media can allow academics to be more engaged with the public, journalists, science communicators, government, and each other, and what potential benefits and pitfalls we need to be aware of when sharing our lives and scholarship online.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Katie Mack is a theoretical astrophysicist exploring a range of questions in cosmology, the study of the universe from beginning to end. She currently holds the position of Hawking Chair in Cosmology and Science Communication at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, where she carries out research on dark matter and the early universe and works to make physics more accessible to the general public. She is the author of the book "The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)" and has written for a number of popular publications, such as Scientific American, Slate, Sky & Telescope, Time, and Cosmos magazine. She can be found on Twitter as @AstroKatie.
Intended Audience:
For College of Science faculty and staff.
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Sponsored by a Connect grant from AdvanceRIT.
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