After Image Film Screening & Discussion
Join us on Friday, April 19th to watch the Rochester cult movie classic, After Image. Entirely shot in Rochester and starring John Mellencamp and Terrylene Sacchetti, After Image is about a crime photographer (played by Mellencamp) and a Deaf clairvoyant (played by Sacchetti) fall in love and together track down and catch a serial killer.
After the screening there will be a discussion with the movie's producer and RIT photography alum, Chris Nakis, Catalene Manganelli, current NTID student and Terrylene's daughter, and Cindy Officer, NTID Senior Lecturer.
5pm: pre-movie snacks
6pm: movie
7:30pm: post-movie discussion
Wegman's Theater
Interpreters for entire event requested.
Full description of image:
Flyer shows blue and dark background of city buildings and a camera lens with a picture of a partial woman’s face in the middle of the page. The poster reads at the top in white font caps ROCHESTER CULT CLASSIC, the next line says Friday, April 19th, the next line says Starring: John Mellencamp, Terrylene Sacchetti, Billy Burke, Louise Fletcher, and the next line says in AFTER (caps white font) IMAGE (caps red font). On the left side of the camera lens in white font Pre-movie snacks starting at 5pm Movie at 6pm Wegman’s Theater in MAGIC, and the right side says, Q/A & discussion after with Producer & RIT Alum, Chris Nakis, Catalene Manganelli, current NTID student and Terrlene's daughter, and Cindy Officer, NTID Senior Lecturer. At the bottom of the flyer (in white font), it says Movie screening and discussion in conjunction with Chasing the Rectangle exhibit in the RIT Archives Photo Alum Gallery in Wallace Library.
Event Snapshot
When and Where
Open to the Public
Interpreter Requested?