Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Research Seminar Series

Please join us again Thursday, Feb 23 at 12:30 p.m. for the Biomedical and Chemical Engineering Research Seminar Series, "Tentacle-Like Continuum Robots for Minimally Invasive Surgery" presented by Yue Chen, Ph.D., assistant professor, Georgia Tech Intelligent.

Animals are able to safely interact with their environments, whether those environments are hard or soft, and over a wide range of geometry. Modern robots made from serially arranged rigid links lack the dexterity, safety, and adaptability of the biological system. Continuum robot is an effective approach to enable compliant interaction with external objects and dexterous manipulation within tightly packed environments by continuously deforming its structure.

In this talk, Dr. Chen will discuss the emerging continuum robotic technologies that can be used for minimally invasive surgery, the concentric tube robot for intracerebral hemorrhage treatment, MRI-guided tendon driven mechanism, and the soft robots for photodynamic therapy.

The full schedule for the BMECHE Research Seminar Series is here:…

Zhi Zheng
Event Snapshot
When and Where
February 23, 2023
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Room/Location: Zoom

Open to the Public

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artificial intelligence