CHAI Advanced Ph.D. Student Talk: Manoj Acharya

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Photo of speaker Manoj Acharya

RIT's Center for Human Aware AI (CHAI) 2022 Spring Seminar Series

CHAI Advanced Ph.D. Student Talk: Manoj Acharya

Title: Autonomous discovery of object categories with deep neural networks

Abstract: Over the past decade, deep neural networks have enormously advanced object classification, object detection, vision and language learning, and much more. However, most of these tasks assume a closed-world, i.e., that they know all of the labels to be predicted during evaluation and that the train distribution is the same as the test distribution. Many real-world applications cannot make this assumption. Robust systems need the ability to operate in a dynamic changing world, where these assumptions do not hold. This is known as open-world learning. In open-world learning, the system must detect examples of unseen labels and continually update the system with new knowledge, without retraining from scratch. In this talk, I review progress in open-world learning, the gaps in the literature, and discuss my work toward enabling efficient multimodal open-world learning in deep neural networks.

Bio: Manoj Acharya is a PhD candidate in Prof. Christopher Kanan's lab at RIT. He has been working on designing vision and language systems with a focus on handling open-world learning challenges. He has published papers in top-AI conferences, including AAAI, NAACL, ECCV, and BMVC. He recently won a continual learning competition held at ICCV-2021. During his PhD, he completed an internship at SRI International where he worked on Graph Neural Networks for detecting out-of-context objects in scenes.


NRT Director Cecilia O. Alm, Ph.D.
Event Snapshot
When and Where
April 04, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Room/Location: Webinar

Open to the Public

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artificial intelligence
student experience