Chemistry and Materials Science Seminar: Time for a New Approach to Teaching General Chemistry?
Chemistry and Materials Science Seminar
Time for a New Approach to Teaching General Chemistry?
Dr. Lewis Rothburg
Professor of Chemistry
University of Rochester
The General Chemistry syllabus and approach to teaching the course have not changed substantially over the last 50 years … since I took the course. I will argue that, by and large, it does not serve our students well or prepare them for the role that Chemistry will play in their futures as consumers, citizens or planetary stewards. I will make some observations, some suggestions and share my experiences in trying to overhaul a section of the course at U of R.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Lewis Rothberg got his undergraduate BS in Physics at the University of Rochester in 1977 and his Ph.D. in Physics with Nicolaas Bloembergen at Harvard University in 1984. His thesis work involved studies of dephasing-induced four-wave mixing to verify the correct treatment of quantum mechanical damping in nonlinear optical processes. From 1984-1996, he worked at AT&T and then Lucent Bell Laboratories on a variety of problems in soft condensed matter physics. He became Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Bell Labs in 1994 and a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 1996.
Intended Audience:
All are Welcome!
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This is an RIT Only Event
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