Chemistry and Materials Science Seminar: University Research - How Two Chemists Changed the American University Landscape

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Chemistry and Materials Science Seminar
University Research: How Two Chemists Changed the American University Landscape

Michael Heagy, PhD
COS/SCMS Department Head and Professor of Chemistry

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In this presentation through the history of academic research, reform in the American university system will be presented along with the shift in funding emphasis from soldier scientist to civilian scientist. Growth in the roles of Normal University to R1 universities will be described along with other observations and perspectives. Time permitting, the presentation will close with a discussion toward recent studies into the efficiency of scientific research.

Speaker Bio:
Heagy comes to RIT from the New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, where he began his academic career as an assistant professor in 1996 and has served as the chair of the Department of Chemistry since 2016.

Intended Audience:
Undergraduates, graduates, faculty and staff.

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Event Contact:
Nathan Eddingsaas |

Nathan Eddingsaas
Event Snapshot
When and Where
February 06, 2024
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Room/Location: 2305

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?

