Cog Sci Speaker Series: Neural Systems Underlying Speech Categorization

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Presenter: Professor Bharath Chandrasekaran
Title: Neural Systems Underlying Speech Categorization 
Abstract:  My research program takes a systems neuroscience approach to investigate the computations, maturational constraints, and plasticity underlying auditory and speech categorization. Speech signals are multidimensional, acoustically variable, and temporally ephemeral. A significant computational challenge in speech perception is categorization—the task of mapping continuous, multidimensional, and variable acoustic signals into discrete behavioral equivalence classes. Despite the complexity of this challenge, native speech perception is rapid and automatic. In contrast, learning new non-native speech categories is effortful and challenging for the mature brain. 
In this presentation, I will elucidate the representation of speech categories in native listeners and examine mechanisms underlying the acquisition and representation of novel speech categories in the mature human brain. I will discuss the neurobiology of two complementary auditory cortico-striatal streams involved in sound-to-rule and sound-to-reward mapping. Additionally, I will explore how these systems interact during learning and contribute to individual differences in auditory and speech category learning success. Finally, I will discuss ongoing experiments that leverage the neurobiology of the dual cortico-striatal streams to design optimal behavioral training aimed at reducing inter-individual differences in learning success. 

Matthew Dye
Event Snapshot
When and Where
August 30, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Room/Location: 2365

Open to the Public

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