College of Science Pre-College SURE! Poster Presentations

College of Science Pre-College SURE! Poster Presentations

Research!  Everyone says you should do it – but what is it? What does it look like in the College of Science (COS)? How do you get started? It is never too early or too late to get involved in a research program – big or small!  Come hear about the experiences of three first-year students who spent four weeks this past summer working on their own research project with COS lab teams – undergraduates, graduates, and faculty mentors.  Ask questions and see how you can get involved in applying your science knowledge!

Sandi Connelly
Event Snapshot
When and Where
August 25, 2021
1:25 pm - 2:15 pm
Room/Location: Atrium

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


student experience