COS ALANA Interest Session

Event Image
for the newly invigorated COS ALANA Group Looking for student leaders and participants! Interested? Join us for a brainstorming session on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 1-2 PM GOS-2154 Light lunch provided.

Gather with ALANA peers to create a new vision for COS ALANA.

ALANA (African, Latin, Asian, Native American) students in the College of Science are invited join this session to outline initial steps for the re-formation of the group COS ALANA. While we envision this group as a place for COS community members of color to gather for support, networking, and activism, the group will ultimately be student-run and will reflect the needs and priorities of its members. This session will be used as a space to gauge interest and to outline initial goals, as well as to discuss what support the College can offer. Light lunch will be provided.

Jacqueline Ludwig
Event Snapshot
When and Where
January 25, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Room/Location: 2154

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


racial inclusiveness
student experience