DHH participants needed for a video caption study

Hello everyone,

We are seeking participants for research on how deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers experience video captions. We will conduct online focus group interviews in April, and each participant who completes the entire interview session will receive a $50 gift card. All participants’ responses will be kept confidential, and participation is completely voluntary.

To participate in the study, please read the following and sign up for a session at https://calendly.com/schung/userexperience (If an error page pops up, please copy and paste the link into your browser window).

  • Study title: User Experience
  • Eligibility:  Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals at least 18 years old who rely on assistive technology such as closed captions or voice-to-text apps when watching videos
  • Session duration:  40–60 minutes 
  • Session size: 3–5 participants per session
  • Payment:  $50.00 Amazon gift card for participating in the entire session
  • Interpretation service: Both sign language interpretation and captioning services will be available for all sessions.

Questions or concerns? Please contact Sorim Chung at schung@saunders.rit.edu

Sorim Chung
Event Snapshot
When and Where
April 10, 2024
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Room/Location: Zoom

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?


deaf community
student experience