Faculty/Staff Tiger Trivia

Event Image
Faculty/Staff Annual Give from Within Campaign

How well do YOU know RIT?

Founded in 1829, Rochester Institute of Technology is well-known for being a diverse and collaborative community of engaged, socially conscious, and intellectually curious minds. So let's not disappoint! Try our trivia quiz linked here: https://rit.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3EgqHo8lNi33dlQ and see how well you know your university. You can find the answers to the questions linked at the end of the quiz, but no cheating!

Good luck, and let the games begin.

Marisa Psaila
Event Snapshot
When and Where
October 18, 2021
All Day
Room/Location: Virtual
October 19, 2021
All Day
Room/Location: Virtual
October 20, 2021
All Day
Room/Location: Virtual
October 21, 2021
Room/Location: Virtual
October 22, 2021
Room/Location: Virtual

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?
