Fall Convocation for New Students

Event Image
Ritchie the Tiger (mascot) extends a high-five welcoming a student.

RIT marks the opening of the university's new academic year and the beginning of new students’ careers with a special welcome event: Fall Convocation for New Students. The event will include a welcome from President Munson and the provost, as well as other speakers from Student Affairs, Student Government and the RIT academic community. 

New undergraduate, transfer and graduate students are the primary audience for this event. Other members of the RIT community are invited to join in person or via the live-stream. Parents, families, and other supporters may also join the event virtually. The live stream link will be available a few minutes before the start of the event: rit.edu/orientation. The Convocation stream will be at https://www.rit.edu/orientation/convocation-2023-video-stream linked to from https://www.rit.edu/orientation/ Students will be brought to the Gordon Field House via the Tiger Walk at approximately 9:00 a.m.  

Office of the Provost
Event Snapshot
When and Where
August 24, 2023
10:00 am - 11:15 am
Room/Location: GFH

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?
