Finance & Accounting Webinar: Should we try to beat the market to earn excess returns?

Join the Saunders College of Business finance and accounting department as we moderate a session with the President at Alesco Advisors LLC, James Gould, CPA for a webinar on Active vs Passive Investing and Tax implications. Registration is required in order to attend. 


Should we try to beat the market to earn excess returns?

Active vs Passive investing and tax implication

Questions that will be discussed:

  • How is excess return conceptualized and calculated?
  • What is the difference between active vs passive investing?\
  • What are some of the common tools for passive investing
  • What is the advantage of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) over other tools?
  • What are the tax implications of investing in ETFs?
  • What is tax harvesting and what is the role of financial advisors in tax planning?

Register Today!

This webinar is brought to you by Saunders' accounting and finance undergraduate degrees and the accounting and analytics, and finance master of science programs

Check out other upcoming information sessions!

Archana Jain
Event Snapshot
When and Where
February 03, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Room/Location: Zoom Webinar

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?
