Future Faculty Career Exploration Program Seminar: Searching for a needle in a HAYSTAC

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ffcep candidate alexander leder college of science school of physics and astronomy RIT

Future Faculty Career Exploration Program
Searching for a needle in a HAYSTAC: Latest Results from Quantum Enhanced Axion Dark Matter Search with the HAYSTAC experiment

Dr. Alexander Leder
California Alliance Post-Doctoral Fellow
Department of Nuclear Engineering - UC Berkeley
Department of Physics - Stanford University

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Axions represent a leading class of dark matter candidate that has gained considerable interest  in recent years. In order to probe the largely unexplored axion parameter space across multiple frequency decades, new experimental techniques are required. The HAYSTAC (Haloscope At Yale Sensitive To Axion Cold dark matter) experiment is a tunable microwave cavity experiment searching for axions, which also serves as an R&D testbed for new technologies in the 10-100𝜇eV mass range. HAYSTAC phase 2 utilized Josephson parametric amplifiers to create squeezed states for the first time in a haloscope measurement allowing for an improvement in the spectral scan rate by a factor of 2. In this talk, Dr. Leder will review the phase 1/2 results, discuss the current phase 3 efforts and describe the latest R&D efforts currently underway to further expand the sensitivity reach of the HAYSTAC experiment in order to further explore axion parameter space.

Speaker Bio:
Dr. Alexander Leder completed undergrad at LSU graduating in 2012, working on hardware R&D for the COBRA experiment. At MIT as an NSF Fellow, he worked on various rare-event searches including: CDMS-lite WIMP Dark Matter search, the Ricochet Coherent Neutrino Scattering search and highly-forbidden nuclear decay modeling under the CUPID experiment under Lindley Winslow. Since 2018, Dr. Leder has worked as a California Alliance postdoc at UC Berkeley under Karl van Bibber on the HAYSTAC/DM Radio series of axion searches together with indirect axion searches utilizing the public data release of the Green Bank Radio Telescope under the Breakthrough Institute. 

Intended Audience:
Beginners, undergraduates, graduates. Those with interest in the topic.

This event is co-sponsored by The Office of Faculty Diversity and Recruitment
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Rebecca Day
Event Snapshot
When and Where
September 23, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Room/Location: See Zoom Registration Link

Open to the Public

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