Geophilosophy, Environmental Crisis, and the End of the World--A Seminar with Italian Philosopher Caterina Resta

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Geophilosophy, Environmental Crisis, and End of the World--May 5, 3:00-5:00PM

Join us for a two-hour seminar on The End of the World: Geophilosophy of the Environmental Catastrophe—A Seminar with Italian Philosopher Caterina Resta. The seminar, which will take place via zoom, will feature Italian thinker Caterina Resta (University of Messina, Italy). Professor Resta will share her thoughts (in Italian) on the topics of the event, which are also the main themes of her life-long philosophical researches and work. Elvira Roncalli (Carroll College, MT) and Damiano Benvegnù (Dartmouth College, NH) will then provide some initial remarks (in English) that will help initiate the conversation among participants (copy of the Italian text by Caterina Resta is available upon request).

This event is organized through a collaboration with colleagues at the University of Rochester (Donatella Stocchi-Perucchio), Syracuse University (Stefano Giannini), and Cornell University (Timothy Campbell) as part of a working group named Theorizing Italy, supported by the Central New York Humanities Corridor through funding from the Andrew Mellon Foundation.

Contact Silvia Benso ( to receive the zoom link to the seminar.

Silvia Benso
Event Snapshot
When and Where
May 05, 2023
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Room/Location: zoom

Open to the Public

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