Math Modeling Seminar: Multiscale, Multiphysiology Models of the Human Brain

Math Modeling Seminar
Multiscale, Multiphysiology Models of the Human Brain
Dr. Daniela Calvetti
The James Wood Williamson Professor
Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics
Case Western Reserve University
You may attend this lecture in person at 2305 Gosnell Hall or virtually via Zoom.
If you’d like to attend virtually, you may register here for Zoom link.
Dr. Calvetti will be delivering this talk in person!
The brain is one of the most fascinating and mysterious organs, performing a variety of different tasks. This talk will present a family of models of the human brain that captures the feedback between metabolism, electrophysiology and hemodynamics and highlight the mathematical and computational challenges that had to be addressed. Computed examples illustrating how the model predictions reproduce some of the experimental findings will be also presented.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Daniela Calvetti, the James Wood Williamson professor, is an applied mathematician whose work on inverse problems connects mathematical models, scientific computing, Bayesian inference and uncertainty quantification. After receiving her Laurea in Mathematics from the University of Bologna, Italy in 1980, she moved to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she completed her PhD in 1989. After holding faculty positions at North Carolina State University, Colorado State University-Pueblo and the Stevens Institute of Technology, she moved to Case Western Reserve University in 1997, where she chaired the department from 2007 to 2013. She has co authored three monographs, Introduction to Bayesian Scientific Computing, Computational Mathematical Modeling and Mathematics of Data Science, with two more coming soon, and approximately 150 peer reviewed papers. Her research has been supported by NSF, NIH and the Simons Foundation. She has graduated 20 PhD students and she has been in the editorial board of several scientific journals, including SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, Mathematics of Computation, Inverse Problems and SIAM Review. She is currently the Program Director of the SIAM activity group on Uncertainty Quantification. Read more here.
Intended Audience:
Undergraduates, graduates, and experts. Those with interest in the topic.
The Math Modeling Seminar will recur each week throughout the semester on the same day and time. Find out more about upcoming speakers on the Mathematical Modeling Seminar Series webpage.
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