Math Modeling Seminar: Research and Opportunities in the Mathematical Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Math Modeling Seminar
Research and Opportunities in the Mathematical Sciences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dr. Juan Restrepo
Section Head
Distinguished Member of the R&D Staff
Mathematics in Computation Section
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
You may attend this lecture in person at 2305 Gosnell Hall or virtually via Zoom.
If you’d like to attend virtually, you may register here for Zoom link.
I will present a general overview of Oak Ridge National Laboratory research in mathematics and computing. A brief description of my own initiatives and research will be covered as well. I will also describe opportunities for students, postdocs, and professional mathematicians.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Juan M. Restrepo is a Distinguished Member of the R&D Staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and he is a fellow of SIAM and APS. He holds professorships at U. Tennessee and Oregon State University. Prior to ORNL, he was a professor of mathematics at Oregon State University and at the University of Arizona. He has been a frequent IMA visitor. His research focuses on data-driven methods for dynamics, statistical mechanics, transport in ocean and uncertainty quantification in climate science. Read more here.
Intended Audience:
Undergraduates, graduates, and experts. Those with interest in the topic.
The Math Modeling Seminar will recur each week throughout the semester on the same day and time. Find out more about upcoming speakers on the Mathematical Modeling Seminar Series webpage.
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