Physics Colloquium: Advances in Imaging and Computation Driving Changes in Radiation Oncology
Physics Colloquium
Advances in Imaging and Computation Driving Changes in Radiation Oncology
Sean Tanny
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology
University of Rochester Medical Center
Advanced modality imaging and GPU-accelerated computing have enabled the adoption of advanced image-guided treatment modalities, such as MR-guided brachytherapy, online-adaptive external beam therapy, and synthetic MR assessment of patients. These techniques have driven the field of radiation oncology away from a one-size-fits-all mentality towards the adoption of patient-specific care strategies that maximize local control and minimize normal tissue toxicity using radiation therapy. This talk will serve as an introduction to medical physics, show how technologic advances have changed patient care, and speculate on the future directions of medical physics research.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Tanny has been a therapeutic medical physicist for 10 years, receiving his undergraduate degree from the University of Rochester and his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Toledo. He has practiced at SUNY Upstate Medical University and joined the University of Rochester Medical Center faculty in 2020. His research involves adaptive radiation therapy, autosegmentation, and treatment planning automation. He is the Program Director for the newly formed Masters of Science in Medical Physics at URMC.
Intended Audience:
Anyone with interest in the topic. All are Welcome.
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