The RIT Board of Trustees Present: Food for Thought

Event Image
Name of the program with brief description, program date/time/location, and registration link.

Food for Thought is an opportunity for students to dine with campus leaders for an “all you care to eat” feast at Gracie’s and share their thoughts about the university today and into the future. Representatives from RIT's Board of Trustees, Senior Leadership, and Governance Group Leadership will be present to gain insight into the university directly from the student body.

There is no cost to attend the program but you must register in advance to attend. Students should be available to participate in the entire program.

Lisa Cauda Chase
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 10, 2022
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Room/Location: Gracie's

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?


student experience