RIT Libraries Resource of the Month (November)

RIT Libraries invites you to a virtual information session to learn more about our highlighted resource of the month: CountryWatch

Please join our Global Ed., University Studies, and SOIS Liaison Librarian, Ryan Tolnay, who will be presenting on this valuable resource. CountryWatch is a great database to use for research on a country for a class project or when you’re preparing to travel abroad. Learn about the history, politics, and culture of each country, as well as gather statistics on their economy. You can even convert USD to the local currency, all in one place!

Participants can join via Zoom: https://rit.zoom.us/j/93493521435?from=addon 

Unless otherwise noted, attendees are responsible for requesting interpreting services. To submit requests, go to https://myaccess.rit.edu

Ryan Tolnay
Event Snapshot
When and Where
November 13, 2024
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Room/Location: Zoom

This is an RIT Only Event

Interpreter Requested?

