RIT-RISE Scientists-in-Training Series: B-cell mediated recovery of cognitive function and neurogenesis following ischemic stroke
Event Image
More than 800,000 people in the U.S. will suffer a stroke each year. Dr. Sarah Latchney, Assistant Professor of Neurobiology at St. Mary's College of Maryland, will present new research that challenges the dogma that all stroke-induced inflammation is detrimental to recovery. She will show evidence linking the central nervous and immune systems in mediating acute stroke damage and repair. These research findings suggest a potential therapeutic role for B-cells to enhance functional recovery, to minimize post-stroke immunosuppression, and to support neuronal survival following ischemic stroke.
Event Snapshot
When and Where
February 09, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Room/Location: Zoom
Open to the Public
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