Sign2MINT: Development of a STEM sign language dictionary in Germany

Event Image
The orange top layer has the event title. The middle layer has "Dr. Ingo Barth, Deaf Theoretical Chemist/Physicst, Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Germany". The bottom white layer has the event description with "Monday April 18, 2022, SDC 1300/1310, 1:00 - 2:00 pm ET". There is a photo inset of a middle aged white male with a wavy hair combed back and a pair of eyeglasses in a blue dress shirt and suit.

In this talk, Dr. Barth, Deaf theoretical chemist/physicist and Fulbright Visiting Scholar from Germany, presents the Sign2MINT project for the development of a STEM sign language dictionary in Germany. He will explain how STEM signs in German Sign Language (DGS) are selected, collected, and developed. Deaf experts from different STEM subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics) participate in monthly workshops to introduce STEM topics and discuss STEM signs. The developed STEM signs are then professionally recorded on video and published on He will present examples of STEM signs (chemical elements, Greek symbols).

Christopher Kurz
Event Snapshot
When and Where
April 18, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Room/Location: 1300/1310

Open to the Public

Interpreter Requested?


deaf community