What led to my interest in etiology of deaf children's hearing loss
Flyer: an orange tinted peg wall with wires and an Xbox controller covers the top half of the flyer the
bottom half is white. In the upper left corner is the CCL logo, in orange are the words RIT below that is
National Technical Institute for the Deaf and below that is Research Center on Culture and Language. In
the center are the words Child and adolescent psychiatrist, working at Norwegian national deaf CAMHS (
child and adolescent mental health service). Framed by a yellowish square. In the upper right of that frame
is a picture of a child in the foreground with an cochlear implant. He is wearing a long-sleeved beige shirt.
He has a toy stick that is attached by a string to a red magnet in his left hand, in the background a woman
with brown hair and a black shirt holds a similar toy stick. between them is a table with a red table cloth
and various toys. Further back is a white couch and a window. Below that picture are the words Stock
photo. Below the frame to the right is a subtitle: What led to my interest in etiology to hearing loss in
On the bottom left are the words Event detail in orange below that is a black line below that are the words
October 5th, 2022 below that is 2:00 - 3:00 PM below that is CPC 2610 Bamboo room.
On the bottom right are the words More information in orange below that is a black line below that are
the words Dr. Kristin Holseth, a child and adolescents psychiatrist, works at Oslo university hospital in the
National Unit for Sensory loss and Mental health. Below that is Dr. Kristin Holseth will present their
experiences working with deaf children in Norway. Join us to learn more about their experiences. below
that is interpreters will be provided. At the bottom the letters RIT are centered.
Event Snapshot
When and Where
Open to the Public
Interpreter Requested?