Family Health and Justice Lab, a CPSI CoLAB

The Family Health and Justice lab investigates development across the lifespan with a focus on improving the health of children and families. Risk and resilience are examined in family systems through community partnered and engaged research. Specifically, this lab strives to understand the social, cognitive, biological, environmental, and structural factors associated with behavioral and physical health in families.

Projects range from examining prenatal experiences for expecting parents to the multi-systemic interactions impacting children and families in the community and at home. Understanding these processes informs our development of prevention and intervention programs to promote positive family health and behavior and to reduce health disparities and increase health equity.

Current and previous work investigates these processes in pregnancy and early development in relation to substance use and violence exposure within the family. This lab interweaves research and practice, with an emphasis on improving health and well-being through creative, accessible approaches and programs.


Stephanie Godleski
Associate Professor