
Funding Department

The Institute funds FMS via two distinct and separate mechanisms - an Operating Budget and a Renewal and Replacement Budget. The non-chargeable services FMS can provide are limited to the level of funding received in any given year in each of these budgets.

  • The Operating Budget funds the cost of cleaning, maintaining, operating, and repairing existing Institute physical assets for which FMS is responsible. It also provides certain support services such as planning, design, and construction management services, special event assistance, and shipping and receiving services.
  • The Renewal and Replacement Budget (R&R) funds the major renewal or complete replacement of Institute physical assets which have become functionally obsolete or have reached the end of their useful service lives.


Raymond K. Orr

Associate Vice President Facilities Management

John Connelly
Director Parking and Transportation
Michael Dellefave
Director Construction/Project Management and Off Campus Properties
Mary Ellen Gauntlett
Director The HUB Print and Postal Operations
Lawrence Harris
Director Building Operation and Maintenance
Jennifer McKee
Director, Administrative Operations
Derek Sylvester
Director, Facilities Services
James Yarrington
University Architect and Director Planning and Design