Department of Sociology and Anthropology

  • May 2, 2019

    Student poses sitting at table with notebook and laptop.

    RIT graduate on her way to Kosovo to teach English

    Growing up in Youngstown, N.Y., near Niagara Falls, Alessandra Santarosa always had the urge to explore. As she readies to graduate this month from RIT with a bachelor’s degree in political science and minors in German, and sociology and anthropology, Santarosa is ready for more adventures: joining the Peace Corps and teaching English in Kosovo for two years.

  • April 1, 2019

    Large group of students stands with dean.

    RIT’s College of Liberal Arts honors students for writing excellence

    RIT’s College of Liberal Arts honored student achievement in writing on Friday with the presentation of more than a dozen writing awards for essays varying from sanctuary cities, how democracies can withstand outside meddling, and the excavation, preservation and reconstruction of a London theater where Shakespearian plays debuted.

  • October 23, 2018

    The cover of Carroll, Kray and Mandell's new book, featuring bright red text for the title and two small portraits of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

    Faculty members’ new book looks at 2016 presidential election

    Nasty Women and Bad Hombres: Gender and Race in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, edited by three RIT faculty members in RIT’s College of Liberal Arts, looks at how Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and American voters invoked ideas of gender, race and history in that election.
  • March 10, 2017

    Deborah Stendardi, Ja'Nai Gray, Ashante Hendrix, and Sharitta Gross-Smith pose for a photo, Ja'Nai holding up an award certificate.

    Grad honored for community service

    Ja’Nai Gray ’16 was selected as one of 10 recipients of an Independent Sector Student Service Award and a $500 H.D. Paley Scholarship. The award honors outstanding Independent Sector TAP students for their leadership in community service throughout the state.