Blog Listing

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Picture of author sitting at a desk next to his book "Deaf Republic" that shows a bricked ear.

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The Big Read was awarded to RIT/NTID through the efforts of NTID Performing Arts Department Chair Dr. Jill Bradbury. Keep up to date with events by going to the Big Read calendar or RIT events calendar.

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As we reflect today on Queen Elizabeth’s long and amazing life, I wanted to share the story of her Deaf mother-in-law, the first great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Her name was Princess Alice of Battenberg (after marriage, named Princess Andrew of Greece). She was considered one of the most beautiful princesses during that time.

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On Friday, October 28th from 1-2 pm, Sarah Kinor, NTID Liberal Studies professor, will lead a book discussion on "Deaf Republic". It will be held at CSD-2425 (SDC Community Study Room). Light refreshments will be served. Register at bit.ly/deafrep

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There will be a Deaf Republic Book giveaway on Wed. 10/19 from 12 pm - 2 pm at the Coffee Grind. Jeanne Behm, Coordinator of RADSCC, and Joan Naturale, NTID Librarian, will pass out free books courtesy of NTID Performing Arts chair, Jill Bradbury. 

There is a reading InfoGuide to give you background about the book.

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NoodleTools subscription will end this coming December 13th. More information is available via this  InfoGuide. An alternative free citation generator is BibGuru.

You can opt for a personal subscription. If you do this, it is recommended that you make copies of your citations. Below are directions for exporting your citations, notecards, and outlines.

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The NTID Librarian August Newsletter is available via this link.

Front page of September Newsletter showing new books by deaf authors (Deaf Republic, True Biz, Deaf Utopia, Country of Glass and information about the book guide for Deaf Republic


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This article explains the art exhibit created by Deaf students. It shows the importance of Deaf Art. 


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Interesting article about making wineries accessible, and info on deaf-owned restaurants etc.



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