Campus Spotlight
November 4, 2020
Photo by
A. Sue Weisler
Adam Weitz, a first-year mechanical engineering student from Niskayuna, N.Y., turned 18 just in time to vote on Election Day. RIT students cast their votes in the Nov. 3 presidential election at a polling site in the Gene Polisseni Center. The students had registered to vote using their on-campus address.
Photo by A. Sue Weisler
Aaron Osebre, left, a fourth-year finance student originally from Ghana, and Benjamin Maiorella, a first-year mathematics student from South Glens Falls, N.Y., both voted for the first time.
Photo by A. Sue Weisler
Students stand several feet apart before casting their votes.
Photo by A. Sue Weisler
Aleah Sylvera, a fourth-year illustration student from Rochester, N.Y., votes in the Gene Polisseni Center.
Photo by A. Sue Weisler
Benjamin Maiorella, a first-year applied mathematics student from South Glens Falls, N.Y., votes on Election Day in the Gene Polisseni Center.
Photo by A. Sue Weisler
Guillermo Dardano, a second-year civil engineering technology student from El Salvador and Tampa, Fla., wore a special T-shirt for Election Day. A first-time voter, Dardano plans to watch the election results.
Photo by A. Sue Weisler
ROAR the Vote, supported by the Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement, is a non-partisan initiative to assist students to register and vote in elections. Several registration events were held on campus earlier in the semester for students interested in voting on Election Day.