Color science team presents at imaging conference

Hao Zie, Che Shen, and Tucker Downs, color science Ph.D. candidates; Anku ’21 Ph.D. (color science); Fu Jiang ’18 MS (imaging science), ’21 Ph.D. (color science); and Mark Fairchild, professor and graduate program director of the color science program, presented their work at the Society for Imaging Science and Technology’s 29th International Color and Imaging Conference. Xie and Fairchild’s paper, “G0 revisited as equally bright reference boundary,” was awarded the Best Paper of the Conference. Shen and Fairchild’s paper, “The threshold of color inconstancy,” was voted Runner-Up Best Student Paper. Jiang and Fairchild’s paper, “Preliminary result on the direct assessment of perceptible simultaneous luminance dynamic range,” was concurrently published in the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology. Anku presented on “Preferred White Balance for Skin Tones in Multi-illuminant Scenes”; Downs presented on “Color Layer Scissioning in See-through Augmented Reality”; and Fairchild presented on “Individual differences and the color science of images” and “A digital test chart for visual assessment of color appearance scales.”

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