Learn about obtaining grants at workshop
Congresswoman Slaughter arranges session to help researchers learn about obtaining grants
The National Science Foundation, Rochester Institute of Technology and University of Rochester will be holding a one-day workshop on Friday, Nov. 8.
This daylong session, arranged through the efforts of U.S. Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-Fairport), will provide an overview of the National Science Foundation, its mission, priorities, and budget. It will cover the NSF proposal and merit review process and NSF programs that cut across disciplines. Representatives from the seven NSF directorates and the Office of International and Integrative Activities will make presentations on their programs and be available informally and in breakout sessions for discussions of potential research proposals.
The workshop will be held at the RIT Inn and Conference Center, 5257 West Henrietta Road, Henrietta, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with a reception following.
Cost of the workshop is $30, and includes lunch. Space is limited and reservations must be made online by Nov. 1.