New guide helps build a better robot

A. Sue Weisler | photographer

Ferat Sahin: co-author of a robotics guide

Ever wanted to learn how to build your own robot? A new book by an RIT professor can show you the way.

Practical and Experimental Robotics, co-written by Ferat Sahin, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, offers introductory instruction in robotics and robotic applications to assist students, teachers and researchers in creating and using their own robots.

The book takes a hands-on approach to provide detailed explorations of the construction, theory and experimentation surrounding a variety of robot types. Sahin notes that unlike most books in the field, his guide offers a complete set of robotic topics—from electronics to mechanics to computer interface and programming—allowing it to be utilized as a stand-alone source for beginners, hobbyists or advanced learners.

“This book can assist people who are just starting out in the field, allowing them to build knowledge in robotics step by step from theory, through construction, operation and experimentation,” Sahin says. “But given the comprehensiveness, it can also be utilized by more advanced students as well as educators looking to create coursework in the field.”

Sahin co-wrote the guide with Pushkin Kachroo, visiting associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. For information on the book, visit Routledge & CRC Press website.

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