News Stories

  • May 2, 2013

    People posing together in classroom

    Students give new life to old books

    A class of industrial design majors turned old library materials and other reclaimed materials into pieces of furniture. Their work will be on display at Imagine RIT.
  • May 1, 2013

    Poster for the "2015 Imagine RIT: Innovation & Creativity Festival"

    Top stories and videos for April

    News on the winner of the Imagine RIT poster contest topped last month’s list of top RIT news stories. Check out all of April’s most popular stories.
  • April 30, 2013

    People posing with awards

    RIT Inn manager wins award

    Ronnie McCrea is the recipient of the Outstanding Manager of the Year award from the New York State Hospitality & Tourism Association.
  • April 30, 2013

    People gathered for picture at event

    Invisible captioning is the Next Big Idea

    Four teams of students from NTID participated in Next Big Idea competition. First place and $5,000 was awarded to the team that created an invisible captioning system.
  • April 30, 2013

    Picture of staircase

    Search for the Escherian Stairwell

    Is it possible for a staircase to violate the laws of physics by looping back into itself? Student Michael Lacanilao spotlights the Escherian Stairwell in his video series.
  • April 29, 2013

    Person driving vehicle

    Baja team places in top-10 overall

    RIT’s SAE Baja race team placed ninth overall among 85 U.S. and international collegiate design teams competing April 18-21 at Tennessee Tech in Cookesville, Tenn.