May 16, 2019
NTID students graduate with accolades
Annual awards ceremony celebrates NTID’s high achievers
Tammy Wells
Outstanding students from RIT’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf earned academic awards during a ceremony May 10. Pictured, from left, are NTID President Gerry Buckley, Katherine Orlowski, Joseph Adjei, Eva Skovli, Jeanne d’Arc Ntigulirwa, Israelle Johnson, Ismael Arturo Peralta Silva, and Gary Behm, interim associate vice president, NTID Academic Affairs.
Several students at Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf were honored with their families and friends at an academic awards ceremony on May 10. NTID President and RIT Vice President and Dean Gerry Buckley hosted the ceremony.
The graduates who received awards are:
- Joseph Adjei, a general science major from Ghana, received the Academic Achievement Award for students earning an associate degree.
- Katherine Orlowski, an ASL-English interpretation major from Warwick, N.Y., received the Academic Achievement Award for students earning a bachelor’s degree.
- Jeanne d’Arc Ntigulirwa, a Master of Science in secondary education major from Rwanda and the 2019 graduate delegate for NTID, received the Academic Achievement Award for students earning a master’s degree.
- Ismael Arturo, an applied computer technology major from Dominican Republic, and Joseph Adjei, a general science major from Ghana, received the Outstanding Graduate Award for students earning associate degrees.
- Abraham Glasser, a computer science major from Rochester, N.Y., received the Outstanding Graduate Award for students earning a bachelor’s degree.
- Eva Skovli, a graduate student in professional studies from Norway, received the Outstanding Graduate Award for students earning a master’s degree.
- Hannah Klingensmith, an ASL-English interpretation major from Caledonia, N.Y., received the Outstanding Graduate Award for interpreting students earning a bachelor’s degree.
- Israelle Johnson, a laboratory science technology major from Baltimore, Md., was the 2019 NTID college delegate for undergraduate students.