Photographers and New York Times Photo Editor Offer Career Insight and Present Work

Photo District News magazine brings top talent from this year’s PDN 30 issue to RIT Oct. 7

Matt Eich

A young boy watches as cinderblocks are delivered for the foundation of his grandmother’s new trailer. Her previous trailer was destroyed when a drunk driver slammed into it.

Matt Eich, Adrian Mueller and Elizabeth Weinberg are among the top young emerging photographers. Photo District News magazine selected them as part of the 2010 PDN’s 30—deemed as rising stars in the photography industry. PDN’s editors made their 30 selections after reviewing hundreds of portfolios submitted from photographers around the world.

These three, along with established professionals in the industry, will present their work and discuss their career paths during a seminar at Rochester Institute of Technology at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 7 in Webb Auditorium in James E. Booth Hall. The presentation is free and open to the public. There will be a reception immediately following.

Holly Hughes, editor of Photo District News, will serve as the panel moderator. Also on the panel will be Clinton Cargill, photography editor, The New York Times Magazine and Cristina Mittermeier, a Sony Artisan of Imagery.

The PDN 30 presentation is sponsored by Sony and RIT’s School of Photographic Arts and Sciences. For more information about the panel discussion call 585-475-2770.

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