Professor named to journal editorial board

David Messinger to serve as associate editor of spectral and polarimetric imaging research

David Messinger

Rochester Institute of Technology professor David Messinger was invited to join the editorial board for Optical Engineering, the journal of the International Society for Optics and Photonics, or SPIE, which publishes peer-reviewed papers reporting on research and development in optical science and engineering.

Messinger is the director of the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Laboratory at RIT’s Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science. He will serve as an associate editor for Optical Engineering in the area of spectral and polarimetric imaging. His duties will include assigning reviewers for scientific papers and evaluating submissions based on “significance, relevance and expected reader interest” to maintain the publication’s standards.

“It is always an honor to have people in your field respect your judgment,” Messinger says. “Associate editors help to shape the content of the journal and I look forward to contributing to the outstanding reputation of Optical Engineering.”

The invitation to join the Optical Engineering editorial board speaks to Messinger’s reputation in the remote-sensing field. His highly regarded research investigates physical and geophysical processes and properties through analysis of remotely sensed data.

Messinger also applies hyperspectral imaging techniques to search and detect specific objects hidden within large images. The image-processing methods he and his students are developing use techniques from computational graph theory and applied mathematics.


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