RIT Engineering Professor Earns ‘Faculty Advisor Award’

Note: Digital photograph available at http://www.rit.edu/news/pics/nye_alan.jpg

Alan Nye, of Scottsville, professor of mechanical engineering in the Kate Gleason College of Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology and the advisor to RIT’s Formula racing team, has been honored, for the sixth time, with the Faculty Advisor Award from SAE International.

A member of the RIT faculty since 1977, Nye has advised RIT’s SAE student chapter since 1978 and the university’s Formula racing team since its inception in 1991. The Faculty Advisor Award recognizes excellence in faculty advising.

In 2003, Nye was honored with the Carrol Smith Mentor’s Cup, presented by the Sports Car Club of America, in recognition of outstanding mentoring; and, in 2004, he received the Excellence in Engineering Education (Triple “E”) Award from SAE International. Nye received his latest award at the SAE World Congress held recently in Detroit.

“It’s an honor and privilege to work with the dedicated and enthusiastic students that make up RIT’s Formula team, as well as other student design teams that have come before them,” says Nye.

The Society of Automotive Engineers is the primary sponsor of Formula SAE student design and racing competitions. RIT’s Formula racing team has competed in national and international competitions yearly since 1993.

Note: For more information on RIT’s Formula SAE team, visit http://www.rit.edu/~formula

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