RIT Immigration Policy Lecture Series Brings Journalist, Author Jeffrey Kaye to Campus
Kaye will discuss globalization, immigration connection and ‘coyote capitalism’ Nov. 8
Jeffrey Kaye
Journalist and author Jeffrey Kaye has coined the phrase “coyote capitalism.” It captures the idea—practiced by many businesses and governments—that people, like other natural resources, are supplies to be shifted around to meet demand without considering or taking responsibility for the consequences for economies, communities or individuals. Kaye challenges the view that immigrants themselves are the cause of immigration, rather than the policies of businesses and governments in both rich and poor nations.
This is just one of the topics that Kaye will discuss when he visits Rochester Institute of Technology as the second speaker of this year’s Immigration Policy Lecture Series. Kaye’s lecture, “Moving Millions: How Coyote Capitalism Fuels Global Immigration,” will be delivered at 4 p.m. Nov. 8 in Golisano Hall auditorium on the RIT campus. Kaye will be selling and signing copies of his book following the presentation.
Kaye, a freelance journalist, producer, and author of Moving Millions: How Coyote Capitalism Fuels Global Immigration, will also explore the connections between globalization, economic growth, and immigration debates taking place in America and other industrialized countries.
“Jeffrey Kaye’s book, Moving Millions, is a poignant description of what drives people to migrate and those who exploit the vulnerable,” says Ron Hira, RIT associate professor of public policy and series co-organizer. “Kaye clearly documents how the policies in the home countries of migrants are even more important than our own in shaping the patterns of international migration. Only when we help address the economic conditions in source countries will we be able to tackle the challenging problems associated with immigration.”
In addition to his writing, Kaye is a contributor to World Report, the public-affairs program on HDNet television, and has worked as a correspondent for PBS NewsHour for 25 years.
“Immigration is a perennial hot topic,” says Andrea Hickerson, RIT assistant professor of communication and series co-organizer. “Too often the debate over immigration has taken place in border states or gateway cities. We hope our series stimulates conversation and debate locally about immigration. We are particularly excited to host Jeffrey Kaye because his work crosses the fields of journalism and policy.”
The series is sponsored by RIT’s Department of Communication; Department of Science, Technology and Society/Public Policy; Urban and Community Studies Program; Department of Sociology/Anthropology; Rochester and Genesee Valley Area Labor Federation; the AFL-CIO; the Ronald G. Pettengill Labor Education Fund; and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
All lectures in this series are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Hira at 585-475-7052 or rhira@mail.rit.edu.