RIT Offers Summer Camps for Kids

Harness the power of technology at Rochester Institute of Technology’s summer programs for kids. Kids on Campus and Lil Kids on Campus offer weeks of challenging and exciting summer activities for children entering grades one through 10.

  • Kids on Campus launches its 21st season with an innovative summer line-up for students entering grades five through 10. Open from July 6 to 30, Kids on Campus offers cutting-edge workshops in computer gaming, photography, animation and graphics combined with chess, archery, soccer, fencing and aquatics. New this year is a choice of sports taught by RIT athletics faculty or chess workshops by the Rochester Chess Center.
  • Students can create awesome animations, direct a movie, render 3-D machine designs into animated clips, swim in the new Gordon Field House and Activities Center and scale a 32-foot climbing wall in the Red Barn.

    Session one runs July 6-16 and session two runs July 19-30. Students can register for one or both sessions in either the full-day program, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., or the extended-day program until 5 p.m. A new meal plan option is available this year.

    Registration for session one is $360 for the full day and $475 for the extended day, with a $60 meal plan option for both. Session two costs $400 for the full day and $500 for the extended day, with a $70 meal plan option for both options.

    For more information about Kids on Campus and to register, contact Susan Kurtz at 475-5987 or susankurtz@mail.rit.edu or visit www.rit.edu/~kocwww.

  • For youngsters entering grades one through four, Lil Kids on Campus offers summer fun combined with range of computers activities. The program is held at Margaret’s House on the RIT campus, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., weekdays from July 6 to Aug. 20.
  • Program activities have a weekly theme and children can enroll for the whole summer or week by week. Weekly sessions include visiting the RIT radio station, cooking up fun foods and creating a cookbook, visiting RIT’s art gallery and creating graphics and digital art, exploring nature and digital photography, creating an electronic newsletter, designing fantasy maps, and telling multimedia tales.

    Children will also swim daily in the Gordon Field House and Activities Center.

    Registration fee is $175 per one-week session. For more information on Lil Kids on Campus, contact Margaret’s House at 475-5176 or rxdhcc@rit.edu.

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