DeafPlus - Modifications & Adjustments


Requesting Accommodations

RIT is committed to providing students with disabilities equal access to programs, services, and physical facilities, and to fostering an environment where all community members are welcomed, valued, and respected.

The Disability Services Office supports all RIT students who identify as having a permanent or temporary disability. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Lifelong or acquired disabilities
  • Hidden disabilities (e.g. learning disabilities or mental health disabilities)
  • Deaf/hard-of-hearing students (in partnership with NTID Access Services, which coordinates interpreting, captioning, and note-taking)
  • Chronic illness
  • Veterans with service-related disabilities
  • Pregnancy
  • Students of size
  • Students with temporary disabilities (e.g. students with injuries or recovering from surgery)
  • Students facing new access needs in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Students can request accommodations by logging into my DSO Student Portal and requesting academic accommodations for each class every semester. For instructions, go to:

Learn how to obtain accommodations at RIT.

FAQ for Students

Students who identify as having a permanent or temporary disability can choose to request accommodations from the Disability Services Office.

No, RIT does not offer evaluations on campus. If you wish to get evaluated, contact your primary care physician and/or discuss other options with your NTID counselor/academic advisor.
(585) 475-2023
or go to the DSO office, SAU-1155

When making the appointment, discuss the best mode of communication for your meeting. You can request an interpreter or use assistive technology.

An Accommodation Notification Letter is sent to your instructors., see Step 4.

It is suggested that you speak to your instructors about your approved academic accommodations during their office hours so you have time and privacy to discuss your needs. You are not required to tell your instructors what your disability is.

It is best to keep communication open about your approved academic accommodation needs throughout the semester with your instructors to ensure that your needs are being met.

If you are unsure about how to communicate with your instructors about your approved accommodations, you can contact the Disability Services Office, or talk with your NTID counselor/academic advisor.

Check with your instructors to be sure they have received your Accommodation Notification Letter from the Disability Services Office. Discuss with your instructors how to set up the recommended academic accommodations. If you are not satisfied, discuss your concern with your instructor. If needed, you can discuss this with your NTID counselor/academic advisor and/or the RIT Disability Services Office,

If you are not satisfied with your services, you can login at the RIT myaccess website. On the right column, you will see “Problem Reporting", click the link and report the problem. Other options are to contact your NTID counselor/academic advisor and/or RIT Disability Services Office. They can guide you to the appropriate person to assist you in resolving your concerns.

Tests can be administered in the classroom or at the Disability Services Office Test Center.

For information about the use of the DSO Test Center:

FAQ for Instructors

It is not recommended that you offer academic accommodations without an accommodation notification letter from the Disability Services Office.

No. The student has to be otherwise qualified, which means disability or not, they have to be able to do the work. They should be able to do the work with their approved academic accommodations.

If a student with approved accommodations comes to you that morning and the test is in one hour and says that they need academic accommodations, you will have to decide if it is reasonable, given that short notice. If you can do it, fine, if not, tell them that the logistics of this is not going to work today and you can make these academic accommodations for the next test. That might be difficult to say but it is reasonable and realistic given the situation. You can try to be accommodating, but sometimes it is not realistic.

For information about the test center see:

Some students may have a disability and have approved academic accommodations but may choose not to request those academic accommodations for your class.

This could happen if the student never requested academic accommodations until that time or never completed all the paperwork until then. Students are able to request academic accommodations at any time, you may receive accommodation notification letters at any time during the term. The academic accommodations listed are effective starting on the date issued, and are not retroactive.

You are obligated to offer the approved academic accommodations at any time during the semester, as long as the request allows you a reasonable amount of time to make the required arrangements as needed.