Academic Affairs
- RIT/
- National Technical Institute for the Deaf/
- About NTID/
- Academic Affairs
- Overview
- COACHE Surveys
- College Committees
- College Policies and Guidelines
- Communication/ Resources
- Curriculum
- Faculty Performance Review
- Mid-Course Feedback (MCF)
- Faculty/Staff Professional Development
- Faculty Town Hall Meeting (11/20/15)
- Faculty Teaching and Scholarship Awards
- Student Outcomes Assessment
- Student Ratings (SRATE and SRS)
- Emeritus Faculty
In his role as Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Gary Behm assures that the college is centered around student and faculty/staff success, from enrollment through degree completion, to job placement after graduation. Academic Affairs is a collaborative organization that includes:
- Ten academic departments
- Communication Assessment
The Academic Affairs office is responsible for implementing numerous college functions and initiatives:
- College policies, including promotion and tenure
- College committees
- Curriculum actions
- Student Learning Outcomes assessment
- Student Ratings Systems (SRATE & SRS)
- Student and Faculty Awards
- Faculty/Staff Professional Development
- Course scheduling and degree certification
The NTID Department and Academic Plan Directory lists the programs offered by each NTID academic department and their program contacts.
College Committees
- Academic Integrity Committee
- NTID Curriculum Committee (NCC)
- NTID Distinguished Professor Award Committee
- NTID Faculty Congress (NFC)
- FEAD (Faculty Evaluation and Development) Committee
- Final Grade Dispute Committee
- NTID Online Advisory Steering Committee
- NTID Online Liaisons Group
- NTID Outstanding Graduate Award Committee (OGA)
- RIT Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship Committee (OUS)
- Promotion in Rank Faculty Committees
- Scholarship Awards Committee (SAC)
- Signing in Public Spaces Committee (SPSC)
- NTID Staff Senate (NSS)
- NTID Student Ratings (NSR) Advisory Group (SRS1:1 Student/Services Ratings)
- NTID Support Coordinators
- Teaching/Tutoring Awards Committee (TTAC)
- Tenure Committee
- DeafBlind Support Committee
College Policies and Guidelines
- NTID Faculty Workload Report Template (Excel) – December 2023
- How to Confirm a Student’s Graduation Application Status – Nov 2023
- Updated Intent to Enroll Process (effective Fall 2023)
- Policies for Selected Expenditures
- NTID Honorariums and Additional Payments
- Communication Diversity: Strategies for Ensuring Success in NTID Classrooms
- NTID Academic Chairperson Replacement Process
- NTID Lecturer Support Guidelines for Terminal Degrees
- NTID Policy on Promotion in Rank of Tenured Faculty – April 2022
- NTID Policy on Promotion to the Ranks of Senior and Principal Lecturer — April 2022
- NTID Policy on Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor — April 2022
- NTID Policy on Comprehensive Mid-tenure Review – April 2022
- Guidance for Determining Developing vs Non-Developing Country Status for International Student Applicants
- President and Academic Affairs Reimbursement Procedure
- Scholarship Guidance Document
- Signing in Public Spaces
- Request for Student Workers
- Faculty Workload Guidelines (revised September 2023)
- Faculty Leave
- Communication Guidance for NTID Faculty
- Communication Assessment Checklist
Communication/ Resources
- Classroom Communication Sessions
- Session 1: Introduction to Faculty Communication Expectations, February 28, 2025
- Session 2: Brainstorming Communication Ideas, March 7, 2025
- Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI)
- ASL Training and Evaluation (ASLTE)
- Teach2Connect
- Communication Task Force Report (1991)
- Communication Task Force Five-Year Review Committee (2001)
- Effective Communication
- Communication Research Group Report, January 2005
- Spoken Communication Strategies and Techniques
Faculty Performance Review
Annual Faculty Appraisal Process Forms:
- Annual Appraisal Information (including RIT Policy E7.0)
- 2022 COVID Adjustment Statement from Provost and Faculty Senate
- RIT/NTID Performance Category Descriptors
- 2024 NTID Faculty Annual Review Form (Please save the PDF to your computer and open it in Acrobat Reader or Acrobat DC so the signature fields will be active.)
- Faculty Workload Report
Mid-Course Feedback (MCF)
Departments at NTID/RIT can decide to participate in Mid-Semester Course Evaluation via the SRATE/SmartEvals system or use a Qualtrics Survey. The differences between the two options can be found at this link: Qualtrics and SRATE/SmartEvals.
Mid-Course Feedback (MCF) is a process initiated in response to students’ desire to see that their opinions are valued by teachers and can impact what happens in their courses. Students rarely have the opportunity to observe improvements that directly result from their end-of-term evaluations such as NTID’s SRATE/SmartEvals and the Services Rating System (SRS1:1). MCF is a strategy that can lead to more meaningful, mutually satisfying, and potentially higher end-of-term student ratings, while also impacting a course while it is still in progress.
Student feedback solicited several weeks into the semester can lead to mid-course corrections regarding communication, teaching strategies, materials, assignments, pace and rigor. Instructors have the opportunity to improve their teaching effectiveness and student satisfaction in a timely way.
Mid-Course Feedback is a private process conducted between teachers and students and is not intended to be shared with anyone else unless an instructor chooses to do so. MCF is facilitated by the SRS Advisory Group in NTID Academic Affairs but it is not a part of the student rating systems. Unlike the SRS, MCF is an informal evaluation process with no formal data collection or reporting.
Mid-Course Feedback Sections
- See FAQ for information and timelines about the Mid-Course Feedback (MCF).
- See Guidelines for how to share students’ feedback (survey results) with them and make plans for responding to concerns.
- See Research to learn more about the importance and benefits of MCF.
SRATE Mid-Course Feedback Survey
- See RIT's MCF Survey Sample below for a list of statements and comment boxes used in the MCF SRATE/SmartEvals survey and guidance in creating your own survey.
Qualtrics Mid-Course Feedback Survey
- See NTID's MCF Qualtrics Survey Sample 1 that contains SRATE and SRS questions.
- See MCF Qualtrics Survey Sample 2 that contains a list of twenty popular questions.
- See Instructions to get started with Qualtrics, then follow these steps:
- Click here to download two templates onto your computer. Note: if you are unable to download, try a different browser such as Chrome or Firefox.
- To open the selected template, login to Qualtrics.
- Import the downloaded Qualtrics .qsf file template into the Qualtrics online platform as listed in the Instructions pdf.
- Modify your MCF survey questions as needed.
- Add students to your Qualtrics survey; see Emailing a Survey Invitation instructions.
- Setup single-use access connection by selecting Survey Link Type 'Individual Link' in your survey.
- IMPORTANT: Ensure your surveys are anonymous for confidentiality by selecting Individual Links with the Anonymize Responses survey option.
- Setup Distribution and Survey Expirations in your survey.
- Send your survey to your students using the Email Distribution option setup above. We recommend sending the survey to students during weeks 6 -10.
- For additional Qualtrics support visit
Mid-Course Feedback (MCF) is an initiative of NTID Academic Affairs to provide tools for classroom instructors to solicit useful feedback from their students mid-way through the term. The primary tool is an online survey administered to students. The SRATE MCF includes five Likert agreement-scale items, each paired with an optional comment box for students to explain their answers regarding these topics:
- Communication between instructor and student
- Communication among students
- Materials
- Difficulty level and pace
- Homework and projects
Two comment boxes allow students to indicate what is “best” and “worst” about the course.
A Qualtrics Survey will also be made available to faculty, that contains additional questions and opportunities to comment. Qualtrics offers the opportunity for the survey to be customized based on a student's responses, by automatically skipping inapplicable sections or providing additional applicable questions based on a certain prior response by the student.
MCF is optional, flexible and brief. Instructors can use the SRATE or Qualtrics survey, or they can create their own paper surveys using MCF questions on their own.
Mid-Course Feedback benefits both students and instructors.
Students gain because they feel they have some voice, some way to indicate a need for change before it’s too late. Many students indicated in a 2009 attitudes survey about the former course evaluations that they didn’t feel their ratings made any difference for themselves, and they couldn't see any changes over time across the term.
Instructors gain because they have an opportunity to improve their effectiveness (student learning) and student satisfaction in a timely way. A clear majority of instructors indicated in a 2011 survey that they were interested in soliciting and using mid-course student feedback. The MCF is an effort to facilitate that feedback.
Keeps private conversation going between the instructor and the students.
The MCF is not shared with anyone else, unless the instructor chooses to do so. It is not part of any formal evaluation process.
Classroom instructors from any academic program can use the MCF.
Suggested timeline for activities during Weeks 2 through 10 of a 14-week semester-based term:
- Week 2: Student Rating Coordinator sends Qualtrics or SRATE instructions to NTID.
- Week 3: Reminder sent to NTID.
- Week 4: Second reminder to NTID. Deadline for faculty to complete MCF selections.
- Week 5: Student Rating Coordinator submits faculty selections to Registrar.
- Week 6: Registrar processes information to create MCF surveys.
- Week 7: Registrar sends out MCF surveys to students.
- Week 8: Registrar processes student responses.
- Weeks 9-10: Registrar sends out survey results to faculty.
- Keep it short. Sharing MCF survey results with your students should take NO MORE THAN ten minutes of teaching time at the start of class!
- Thank the students for participating! A better class can result with their help!
- Briefly summarize the ratings. Begin with a summary and overall distribution of the ratings for each question. Don’t place any specific positive or negative value on the results. Students shouldn’t think you had an expectation for what the ratings would be.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT do ANYTHING that would reveal an individual student’s rating or comments! Don’t overemphasize comments from one person.
- Bring up only one or two of the most important items and determine a possible plan of action. Summarize insights and consensus comments. Note the areas you think may need attention. Students need to know you read what they wrote and appreciate their feedback. It’s an attitude that you’re trying to convey. Be objective. Don’t take comments personally. Invite discussion to clarify comments. This can be a shared problem-solving session.
- Examples:
“I see several of you feel the homework is not helpful. What can we do?”
“A few people thought the pace was too slow. Would less repetition help?”
- Students need to know you can’t change some things.
Example: A textbook, or a specific test might need to be part of the class.
- Suggest ways students can participate in addressing the concerns.
Example: In-class participation, tutoring, study groups, or meeting with you.
- Examples:
- Offer one-on-one meetings as a follow-up. Some students may not want to share or disclose their comments in the group situation.
- Follow up in class in a few weeks. Find out if what you and the students have been doing to address concerns has helped.
For further information about how to use Comments from Students, see Syracuse University information.
Seek tips from colleagues and the RIT Teaching and Learning Services at Wallace.
Research about student ratings and mid-course feedback
Benton, S. L., & Cashin, W. E. (2012). IDEA Paper No. 50: Student ratings of teaching: A summary of research and literature. Manhattan, KS: The IDEA Center.
This IDEA Paper is an update of the IDEA Paper No. 32 Student Ratings of Teaching: The Research Revisited, (Cashin, 1995). It attempts to summarize the conclusions of the major reviews of the student ratings research and literature from the 1970s to 2010. While that literature is extensive and complex, this brief paper offers broad, general summaries and a good number of citations. As such, it is an excellent resource which draws several noteworthy conclusions.
Bullock, C.D. (2003). Online Collection of Midterm Student Feedback. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 96, 95-102.
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign created an electronic evaluation system (EON) for online courses which includes a mechanism for instructors to collect midterm (formative) feedback as well as end-of-term (summative) ratings. In this chapter, Bullock focuses on the midterm component, beginning with a review of pertinent literature. She describes a pilot program utilizing EON as well as a study that was conducted to gain an understanding of how and why instructors use midterm feedback. They found that instructors preferred this type of online system to paper-pencil evaluations and wanted consultative services for item development and for the interpretation of results.
Spencer, K. J. & Schmelkin, L. P. ( 2002). Student Perspectives on Teaching and its Evaluation. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 27 (5), 397-409.
The study described in this article explored student perspectives on course and teacher ratings as well as some issues related to teaching effectiveness and faculty roles. Spencer and Schmelkin found that while students were generally willing to complete teacher evaluations and provide feedback they had little confidence that faculty or administration viewed or paid attention to the results. Noting that end-of-term instruments should not be the only formalized way for students to express their views, they support “mid-term formative evaluations.”
Medina, Brenda. ( 2011). As Emphasis on Student Evaluations Grows, Professors Increasingly Seek Midcourse Feedback. The Chronicle of Higher Education
A growing number of academics are asking students to evaluate their teaching midcourse rather than waiting for feedback at the end of the term. Midterm feedback from students gives professors a chance to adjust their courses to improve learning and student satisfaction.
Question 1
Communication between the instructor and me is clear in this course.
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree |
Question 2
Optional: Explain your answer about communication with the instructor.
Question 3
Communication between students is clear in this course.
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree |
Question 4
Optional: Explain your answer about communication between students.
Question 5
The materials in this course are appropriate.
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree |
Question 6
Optional: Explain your answer about materials in this course.
Question 7
The difficulty level and pace of this course are appropriate for me.
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree |
Question 8
Optional: Explain your answer about the level of difficulty in this course.
Question 9
The homework and projects help me learn the information in this course.
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Neutral | Agree | Strongly Agree |
Question 10
Optional: Explain your answer about the homework and projects in this course.
Question 11
What is best about this course?
Question 12
What is worst about this course?
Emeritus Faculty
We recognize the dedication and service of our esteemed NTID faculty peers who have been awarded Emeritus Faculty designations. Their contributions to NTID students, faculty, and staff, will always remain highly valued and appreciated.
Name | Department | Year Awarded | Title |
Sidonie Roepke | Visual Communications Studies | 2023 | Professor |
Paula Grcevic | Visual Communications Studies | 2022 | Professor |
Vincent Samar | Liberal Studies | 2022 | Professor |
Julie Cammeron | Cultural and Creative Studies | 2021 | Associate Professor |
Marianne Gustafson | NTID Academic Affairs | 2021 | Professor |
Gerald C. Bateman | Department of Deaf Education (MSSE) | 2020 | Professor |
Jane Jackson | Science and Mathematics | 2020 | Associate Professor |
Ila Parasnis | Department of Deaf Education (MSSE) | 2020 | Professor |
Mark Marschark | NTID Office of the President | 2019 | Professor |
Gerald Berent | Liberal Studies | 2018 | Professor |
James DeCaro | NTID Office of the President | 2018 | Dean and Professor |
Ronald Kelly | Department of Deaf Education (MSSE) | 2018 | Professor |
Geoff Poor | NTID Academic Affairs | 2018 | Professor |
Rosemarie Toscano | Liberal Studies | 2018 | Professor |
Dominic Bozzelli | Science and Engineering | 2017 | Associate Professor |
Susan Foster | Department of Deaf Education (MSSE) | 2017 | Professor |
Michael Stinson | Department of Deaf Education (MSSE) | 2017 | Professor |
Peter Haggerty | Liberal Studies | 2016 | Associate Professor |
John-Allen Payne | Liberal Studies | 2016 | Associate Professor |
Frank Argento | Visual Communications Studies | 2015 | Associate Professor |
Kenneth Hoffmann | Visual Communications Studies | 2015 | Professor |
Tom Policano | Visual Communications Studies | 2015 | Associate Professor |
Thomas Raco | Visual Communications Studies | 2015 | Professor |
John Albertini | Liberal Studies | 2014 | Professor |
Karen Christie | Cultural and Creative Studies | 2014 | Associate Professor |
John Cox | Visual Communications Studies | 2014 | Professor |
Vincent Daniele | Science and Mathematics | 2014 | Professor |
Susan Fischer | Research and Teacher Education Studies | 2014 | Professor |
Laurie Brewer | NTID Office of the President | 2013 | Vice Dean and Professor |
T. Alan Hurwitz | NTID Office of the President | 2012 | President and Dean Emeritus |
Harry Lang | Department of Deaf Education (MSSE) | 2011 | Professor |
Bonnie Meath-Lang | Cultural and Creative Studies | 2011 | Professor |
Jean-Guy Naud | Visual Communications Studies | 2011 | Professor |
Donald Beil | NTID Office of the President | 2010 | Professor |
Robert D. Frisina | NTID Office of the President | 2010 | Professor |
Marilu Raman | Science and Mathematics | 2007 | Associate Professor |
Judy Egelston-Dodd | Science and Mathematics | 2006 | Professor |
Christine Monikowski | ASL and Interpreting Education | 2005 | Professor |
Elizabeth O’Brien | Liberal Studies | 2005 | Professor |
Marvin Sachs | Science and Mathematics | 2005 | Associate Professor |
Robert WW Taylor | Science and Mathematics | 2004 | Associate Professor |
Robert Davila | NTID Office of the President | 2003 | Vice President Emeritus |
Donald Johnson | Communication Studies and Services | 2002 | Professor |
Ross E. Stuckless | Research and Teacher Education Studies | 2000 | Professor |
Edward Maruggi | Science and Engineering | 1991 | Professor |
Robert Panara | Liberal Studies | 1987 | Professor |
Edward Scouten | Information and Computing Studies | 1984 | Professor |
Loy Golladay | Liberal Studies | 1980 | Professor |