NTID Co-op and Career Center – Alumni

NCCC Services

The NTID Co-op and Career Center offers alumni a variety of job-related services. Alumni can take advantage of:

  • Job search advisement
  • Reviewing employment documents
  • Networking assistance
  • NTID Career Fair



NTID Co-op and Career Center (NCCC)
LBJ (Building #60) - Room 2808
Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Directions to NTID


Mailing address

Lyndon Baines Johnson Building
NTID Co-op and Career Center
52 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623-5604




585-286-4155 Voice/VP

Re-entering the Job Market

One of the best ways to find employment opportunities is through networking; asking people you know to help you with your job search. Your network can help you find job openings and make contact with employers. Many jobs are not advertised to the general public and may only be known by the people working at the company. These jobs, called the hidden job market, are often found through networking.

What is networking?

  • Making contact with people you know and informing them that you are looking for a job
  • Asking people in your network for contact information for employers or other people they know who might be able to help you find a job

Why network?

  • To make others aware of your job search to see if they can give you information about possible job openings
  • To find out about jobs that are in the hidden job market
  • To make new employer contacts

Who should you network with?

  • Everyone!
  • Family members
  • Friends and neighbors
  • Former supervisors and co-workers
  • Former or current teachers, coaches, classmates, and VR counselorsMembers of your place of worship, community groups and gym

How do you network?

  • Contact people you know, let them know you are looking for a job
  • Describe the kind of work you are looking for
  • Ask if they know of any companies that are hiring or if they know of any companies where you could apply for a job
  • Ask them for the names of other people you can contact who would be willing to help you and be part of your network
  • Give your resume to people in your network to share with employers whenever they see job opportunities for you
  • Make professional connections through LinkedIn

  • Research the employers attending the fair.
  • Make a list of employers that you want to see.
  • Dress professionally.
  • Bring copies of your resume.
  • Smile and make eye contact when you approach the recruiter.
  • Introduce yourself and shake hands.
  • Introduce the interpreter, if one is with you.
  • Explain your field and the type of job you are seeking.
  • Give the recruiter your resume.
  • Ask about the types of positions the company is looking to fill.
  • Be prepared to discuss communication strategies.
  • Ask for a business card.
  • Thank the recruiter for his/her time.
  • Make notes after speaking to each employer.
  • Follow up by calling or sending a message within 7-10 days.
  • Keep a record of all contacts with employers.

If you're wondering what skills you have that would interest a potential employer, you are not alone. Many college seniors feel that four (or more) years of college haven't sufficiently prepared them to begin work after graduation. Like these students, you may have carefully reviewed your work history (along with your campus and civic involvement) and you may still have a difficult time seeing how the skills you learned in college will transfer to the workplace.

But keep in mind that you've been acquiring skills since childhood. Whether learning the value of teamwork by playing sports, developing editing skills working on your high school newspaper or developing countless skills while completing your coursework, each of your experiences has laid the groundwork for building additional skills.

What Are Transferable Skills?

A transferable skill is a "portable skill" that you deliberately (or inadvertently, if you haven't identified them yet) take with you to other life experiences.

Your transferable skills are often:

  • acquired through a class (e.g., an English major who is taught technical writing)
  • acquired through experience (e.g., the student government representative who develops strong motivation and consensus building skills)

Transferable skills supplement your degree. They provide an employer concrete evidence of your readiness and qualifications for a position. Identifying your transferable skills and communicating them to potential employers will greatly increase your success during the job search.

Remember that it is impossible to complete college without acquiring transferable skills. Campus and community activities, class projects and assignments, athletic activities, internships and summer/part-time jobs have provided you with countless experiences where you've acquired a range of skills—many that you may take for granted..

Identifying Transferable Skills

While very closely related (and with some overlap), transferable skills can be divided into three subsets:

  • Working With People
  • Working With Things
  • Working With Data/Information

For example, some transferable skills can be used in every workplace setting (e.g., organizing or public speaking) while some are more applicable to specific settings (e.g., drafting or accounting).

The following are examples of skills often acquired through the classroom, jobs, athletics and other activities. Use these examples to help you develop your own list of the transferable skills you've acquired.

Working With People

  • Selling
  • Training
  • Teaching
  • Supervising
  • Organizing
  • Soliciting
  • Motivating
  • Mediating
  • Advising
  • Delegating
  • Entertaining
  • Representing
  • Negotiating
  • Translating

Working With Things

  • Repairing
  • Assembling parts
  • Designing
  • Operating machinery
  • Driving
  • Maintaining equipment
  • Constructing
  • Building
  • Sketching
  • Working with CAD
  • Keyboarding
  • Drafting
  • Surveying
  • Troubleshooting

Working With Data/Information

  • Calculating
  • Developing databases
  • Working with spreadsheets
  • Accounting
  • Writing
  • Researching
  • Computing
  • Testing
  • Filing
  • Sorting
  • Editing
  • Gathering data
  • Analyzing
  • Budgeting
Easy Steps to Identify Your Transferable Skills

Now that you know what transferable skills are, let's put together a list of your transferable skills. You may want to work with someone in your career services office to help you identify as many transferable skills as possible.

Step 1. Make a list of every job title you've held (part-time, full-time and internships), along with volunteer, sports and other affiliations since starting college. (Be sure to record officer positions and other leadership roles.)
Step 2. Using your transcript, list the classes in your major field of study along
Step 3.For each job title, campus activity and class you've just recorded, write a sentence and then underline the action taken. (Avoid stating that you learned or gained experience in any skill. Instead, present your skill more directly as a verifiable qualification.)
"While working for Jones Engineering, I performed 3D modeling and drafting."
NOT "While working for Jones Engineering, I gained experience in 3D modeling and drafting."
"As a member of the Caribbean Students Association, I developed and coordinated the marketing of club events."
NOT "As a member of the Caribbean Students Association, I learned how to market events."
Step 4. Make a list of the skills/experiences you've identified for future reference during your job search.
Using Transferable Skills in the Job Search

Your success in finding the position right for you will depend on your ability to showcase your innate talents and skills. You will also need to demonstrate how you can apply these skills at an employer's place of business. Consult the staff at your career services office to help you further identify relevant transferable skills and incorporate them on your resume and during your interviews. During each interview, be sure to emphasize only those skills that would be of particular interest to a specific employer.

Transferable skills are the foundation upon which you will build additional, more complex skills as your career unfolds. Start making your list of skills and you'll discover that you have more to offer than you realized!

Additional Tips to Help Identify Your Transferable Skills
  1. Review your list of transferable skills with someone in your field(s) of interest to help you identify any additional skills that you may want to include.
  2. Using a major job posting website, print out descriptions of jobs that interest you to help you identify skills being sought. (Also use these postings as guides for terminology on your resume.)
  3. Attend career fairs and company information sessions to learn about the skills valued by specific companies and industries.

Written by Rosita Smith.

Career Fairs / Events

The NTID Career Fair

Alumni standing on the stairs inside the NTID LBJ building.
Welcoming back our accomplished alumni, now representing their employers at the career fair and inspiring the next generation of students.

The 2025 NTID Career Fair will be announced in the late spring.

Please stay connected with NCCC for more details about the 2025 Career Fair.

If you have any questions or would like more information, email us at ntidcoe@rit.edu.

Communication & Accommodations

Effective communication is a joint responsibility of hearing and deaf people. When you are communicating face-to-face, repeating the information can confirm that the message is understood, that is one strategy both can use. Also, you can provide some communication strategies to the employer to make the message clearer.

Ask them to:

  • Look directly at you when speaking.
  • State the topic of discussion.
  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • First repeat, then try to rephrase the statement.
  • Use gestures.
  • Avoid standing in front of a light source when speaking.

There are various communication strategies you can use when you are in group situations, such as department meetings, at work.

  • Explain that round or semicicular tables will allow you to see everyone's face
  • Explain that you may need to sit next to or across from the speaker so you can see the speaker's face
  • Make sure only one person speaks at a time and have the person indicate when he/she is speaking
  • Use visual aids and ask that time be given to read the information before person starts speaking
  • Asked that an agenda of the topics to be discussed at the meeting be handed out ahead of time and ask that notes be taken to distribute after the meeting

Disclosure Questions and Answers:
Telling Interviewers or Employers that You Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

When you are looking for a co-op or full-time position, one of the things you need to consider is when or if you inform an employer that you are deaf or hard of hearing. There is not one right or wrong way. Each applicant should make a personal decision on this issue, for example: to inform on a resume or cover letter, or to wait until invited for an interview. Some employers have reported that they appreciate knowing your communication preference before the interview so they can make appropriate arrangements for communication.

Q: Whose responsibility is it to bring up accommodations?

A: It is your responsibility to tell the employer if you will need accommodations to do the job. For information on accommodations, see the Services and Equipment section below. If you do not tell the employer you need an accommodation, they are not responsible to provide one. Have several accommodation options ready (for example, interpreter, writing, laptop, speechreading), because your preference may not be possible or available.

Q: What steps shall I take if the employer wants to do the interview (or just the first interview) by telephone?

A: Many companies today routinely interview (screen) applicants briefly by telephone first, then decide if they will interview them in person. If the employer prefers a telephone interview, consider what technology (relay service, instant messaging, captioned telephone) will be best for you. Reply quickly to an employer's request for a telephone interview. Be ready to suggest what will best fit your needs, and explain how and why that will work.

Q: What do I need to do to make sure we have good communication for a face-to-face interview?

A: The interview is an important time to have several accommodation options ready (for example, interpreter, writing, laptop, speechreading), because your preference may not be possible or available.

If you want to have a sign language interpreter, it is a good idea to be ready to provide the employer with contact information for interpreter/referral agencies in the area that can provide that service. You can get information about agencies on the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf website

Be prepared to discuss how you would handle all aspects of communication on the job–meetings, telephone contacts and conversation.

Q: If I have other disabilities do I need to inform my employer?

A: If you have other disabilities and do not need any accommodations to do the job, there is no reason to inform your employer. For example, if you have a learning disability that is not related to your ability to do the job, then you do not have to share this with a potential employer.

If you have other disabilities and do need accommodations for the interview, or to do the job, it is your responsibility to tell them. If you do not tell the employer you need an accommodation, they are not responsible to provide one.

Q: If I have questions about disclosing my hearing loss or deafness to an employer, who should I talk to?

A: You can talk about disclosure and accommodations with your employment advisor, and your vocational rehabilitation counselor, if you have one.

Employers want to know how to communicate with a deaf or hard-of-hearing employee. Be ready to offer some suggestions when you are first meeting employers:

Mention communicating with a computer is quicker than writing things back and forth. For more information, see One-to-One Communication Strategies and Communicating in a Group sections above.

For your interview, be prepared to explain some strategies, services and equipment that can be very effective in the workplace. Depending on your needs, provide information about how to obtain these services and equipment.

Offer to teach some basic signs to your supervisor and co-workers if you use sign language, and explain about Deaf culture.

The NTID Co-op and Career Center has a section about this subject on their website. You can give the address rit.edu/ntid/nccc/employers to the employer so that they can get further information on their own.

Job Search Strategies

It is important to take the time to research a company to learn more about an employer you are interested in working for. The more you know about a company, the better prepared you will be when you ask about employment opportunities and interview with the company.

The information you collect about a company will help you determine:

  • If the company hires people with your job skills
  • If it is a type of business you want to work for
  • What to say in your cover letter, calls and company visits
  • What questions to ask during an interview

When researching a company, you will want to know:

  • Company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address
  • If the company hires people with your job skills
  • Name (job title) of the position you're interested in and what qualifications are needed for the position
  • Product or service provided by the company
  • Who the company's customers are
  • How long the company has been in business and if there's more than one location
  • Stability of the company (is business growing or shrinking?)
  • How many people work for the company
  • Specific name(s) of:
    • Manager of department you want to work in
    • Person to contact about possible job openings

Resources that can be used to research companies and jobs:

  • Company's website
  • Company's annual reports, product or service pamphlets, employment brochures
  • Library reference books, magazines, newspapers
  • Internet search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc.)
  • Job service office
  • Family and friends who know or work at the company

Tips for Researching:

  • Use a variety of resources
  • Keep records on what you find out about the company
  • Continue researching because a company's business is always changing

Contacting Employers through the Phone

Do you have all of the following information ready?

  • Name of the companies/businesses you are calling
  • Name of the people or departments you want to contact
  • Telephone numbers and extensions of the contact people
  • Copies of your resume and script (what you plan to say)
  • Paper and pencil to write down information during the call
  • Calendar

What is the goal of your call?

  • Inquiring about a co-op or permanent position
  • Following up on a job that was advertised
  • Following up on a resume that you sent

Who is the best person to speak to?

  • The person you sent your resume to
  • Department manager
  • Human Resources contact person

What is the best way for someone to contact you in the future?

  • E-mail, Phone, or Regular Mail

What do you want to say? (script:

  • Introduce yourself: "Hello, my name is _____. I am a second year student majoring in _____ at Rochester Institute of Technology (the National Technical Institute for the Deaf) in Rochester, N.Y."
  • Explain why you are calling: "I sent you a resume recently. I am looking for a summer cooperative work experience (co-op) in _____."
  • Ask about job openings: "I was wondering if you expect to have any openings in my field this summer?"

When you reach the correct person:

  • Ask if they received your resume.
  • If not, say that you will mail or email another copy.
  • Ask about job openings.
  • Ask about the possibility of an interview.

If the person wants to meet with you:

  • Be prepared to schedule a date and time.
  • Ask for specific directions.
  • Confirm the information before you hang up.
  • Thank the person for speaking to you.

If there are no job openings:

  • Ask for other suggestions (networking): "Could you suggest other people or places I can contact in your area about a possible job?," "Do you know of any open positions somewhere else?"
  • Thank the person for speaking to you.

Important Tips

  • Keep a written log of all contacts (phone, mail, e-mail).
  • Be familiar with your resume and script.
  • Avoid calling on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons.
  • Be professional, enthusiastic, and friendly.
  • Keep calls short and simple.
  • If you mail or email another resume, contact them again soon.
  • Don't sit back and wait for them to call you!

When you go to the employer location for an interview, you may have to see a receptionist, and sometimes a secretary, before you meet the interviewer. Here is an introduction example:

"I am Mary Smith. I have a 10:00 appointment with the Human Resources Manager, Mr. Lockley, in the Business Resources Division."

One of the best ways to find employment opportunities is through networking; asking people you know to help you with your job search. Your network can help you find job openings and make contact with employers. Many jobs are not advertised to the general public and may only be known by the people working at the company. These jobs, called the hidden job market, are often found through networking.

What is networking?

  • Making contact with people you know and informing them that you are looking for a job
  • Asking people in your network for contact information for employers or other people they know who might be able to help you find a job

Why network?

  • To make others aware of your job search to see if they can give you information about possible job openings
  • To find out about jobs that are in the hidden job market
  • To make new employer contacts

Who should you network with?

  • Everyone!
  • Family members
  • Friends and neighbors
  • Former supervisors and co-workers
  • Former or current teachers, coaches, classmates, and VR counselors
  • Members of your place of worship, community groups, and gym

How do you network?

  • Contact people you know, and let them know you are looking for a job.
  • Describe the kind of work you are looking for.
  • Ask if they know of any companies that are hiring or if they know of any companies where you could apply for a job.
  • Ask them for the names of other people you can contact who would be willing to help you and be part of your network.
  • Give your resume to people in your network to share with employers whenever they see job opportunities for you.
  • Make professional connections through LinkedIn.

  • Research the employers attending the fair.
  • Make a list of employers that you want to see.
  • Dress professionally.
  • Bring copies of your resume.
  • Smile and make eye contact when you approach the recruiter.
  • Introduce yourself and shake hands.
  • Introduce the interpreter, if one is with you.
  • Explain your field and the type of job you are seeking.
  • Give the recruiter your resume.
  • Ask about the types of positions the company is looking to fill.
  • Be prepared to discuss communication strategies.
  • Ask for a business card.
  • Thank the recruiter for his/her time.
  • Make notes after speaking to each employer.
  • Follow up by calling or sending a message within 7-10 days.
  • Keep a record of all contacts with employers.

Job Search Documents

The resume is a job search tool that provides an employer with a brief description of your education, job skills and work experience. A well-organized resume, with no spelling or grammar mistakes, will help you to get an interview with an employer.

Video about how to build a resume

Sample Resumes by Major (NTID)
Sample Resumes for BS, MS Level Programs

RIT’s Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education provides a variety of BS and MS level sample resumes; explore them here!

Resume content
  • Contact information
    • Name, city/state, email address, text number
  • Objective
    • Type of position desired
  • Education
    • Do not include high school education if attending or have graduated from college
    • GPA if 3.0 or above
    • List your other academic accomplishments, such as Dean’s List or honors
  • Job skills related to the position desired
  • Work experience and volunteer experience
    • Company name, city and state location
    • When you started and ended your previous job experiences (list the month/year for both)
    • Job title
    • Brief description of responsibilities
  • Outstanding achievements (awards, scholarships)
  • Activities (optional)
Remember to:
  • See your NCCC employment advisor for help with listing the technical skills for your major
  • Have someone with good spelling and grammar skills proofread your resume
  • Print your resume on high quality paper if you are meeting in person (i.e. job interview, networking, and career fairs)
  • Make sure your resume is professional looking and easy to read
  • Send yourself a test email with your resume attached in PDF format to make sure it is readable
  • List education and jobs in reverse order starting with the most recent
  • Keep the information on the resume brief; one page is best

Note: If you have been working for several years after receiving a degree, you should move the education section under the job skills and work experience sections.

There is a difference between the regular resume used when applying for jobs with private companies and the resume used when applying for jobs with federal agencies.

The resume used to apply for jobs with the federal government require much more detailed information, including personal information you would not put on a regular resume, and can be more than two pages long. The resume used to apply for jobs with companies or non-profit agencies are generally one to two pages and the information is not as detailed.

The federal government’s job posting website, www.usajobs.gov has a tool on its website to help applicants build a resume to use when applying for jobs with the federal government.

Additional resources for writing a federal resume are:

Schedule A Hiring Authority

Federal agencies are required to promote equal employment opportunities for U.S. citizens with disabilities. U.S. citizenship is required for federal employment. These agencies can use special hiring authorities as one strategy for recruiting and hiring qualified individuals. The Schedule A Hiring Authority allows qualified individuals with disabilities to be considered without going through the regular competitive application process.

Who is Eligible for Schedule A?

You are eligible for Schedule A if you:

  • Have a significant disability that qualifies you. Deaf and hard-of-hearing students and graduates of RIT/NTID qualify.
  • Have written proof (Schedule A letter) of disability from any one of the following:
    • a licensed medical professional;
    • a state or private vocational rehabilitation specialist;
    • any government agency that issues or provides disability benefits.
  • Have the qualifications for any federal positions for which you are applying.
  • Schedule A letter example you can provide to your doctor, vocational rehabilitation specialist or government agency that issues or provides disability benefits.

How to Apply for Schedule A Hiring Authority

If you decide to apply to a federal agency and take advantage of the Schedule A hiring authority, check with the agency to see if they will accept a letter indicating proof of disability from NTID. If they will, you can go to the Communication Studies and Services department in LBJ 60-3115 to make an appointment to request a Schedule A letter or send an email to Audiology@rit.edu to request a Schedule A letter.

If a federal agency will not accept a Schedule A letter from NTID, you will need to provide other proof as indicated in the section above.

Note: The Schedule A letter is valid for one year and must be requested yearly.

All letters sent to employers should be professional in appearance and language to make a good impression. Have someone with good writing, spelling and grammar skills proofread each letter before it is sent.

For all employment letters, there are six parts. Separate each part with a blank line.

  1. Return address
    Your street number and street name
    City, State  Zip Code
  2. Inside address
    Name of Person you are writing to
    Person's Job Title
    Person's Department
    Name of Company
    Company's Address
    City, State  Zip Code

    It is best to send a letter to a specific person, but if the name and job title can't be found, substitute the words "Hiring Manager"
  3. Salutation
    Choose from
    • Dear First and Last Name:
    • Dear Dr. Last Name:
    • Dear Hiring Manager:

    Use a colon at the end of the salutation
  4. Body
    Be brief and keep it simple. See examples.
  5. Complimentary Close
    Choose from
    • Sincerely,
    • Regards,

    Use a comma at the end of the close, and leave four blank lines, so you can sign in that space. For printed letters, use black or blue ink for your signature. For electronic letters, use this space for your digital signature.
  6. Sender's Name

    Type your formal full name.

A cover letter is always sent with a resume, by mail or email, to explain how you qualify for work in your field with that employer. The purpose of sending a letter and resume is to get an interview. Research the organization and use the information in the letter to show you know something about it.

Typical Structure of a Cover Letter
  • (First paragraph) Explain what position or type of work you are looking for. If applying for a specific position, include the job title, position or requisition number (if there is one), and where you saw the job posting.
  • (Second paragraph) Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and personal qualities that will help the employer, and refer to your enclosed/attached resume for more details.
  • (Third paragraph) Say that you will contact the employer soon to schedule a meeting, and state the best way to contact you if he/she has any questions.
  • (Fourth paragraph) Thank the individual and mention that you look forward to hearing from him/her.

Click here to see a video to learn more about cover letters.

Sample Cover Letters by Major

Follow-up e-mail if you have not heard back from the employer:

It is a good idea to send an email to an employer if you have not had a response to your cover letter and resume after two weeks. Employers receive many letters and resumes. This is a way to show the employer that you are still very interested in their company and that you have good qualifications to offer them. It will remind them of you, and show your motivation to work for their company.

Dear Ms Powers:

I am writing to follow up on my previous cover letter and resume sent to you on October 5. As mentioned, I am a student at Rochester Institute of Technology, majoring in (the name of your major). I am seeking a 10-week co-op or internship for the summer of 20XX using technical skills I've developed in my major. I have done research on (use the name of the company) and believe I would be a perfect fit for your company because of my proven skills in (list a few skills you can use on co-op with this company). Attached is another copy of my resume for your review.

I would like to arrange a time to meet with you to discuss a summer co-op or internship opportunity with your company. You can contact me at (provide your email address and phone number if you have one).

Thank you very much for considering my qualifications.

Your First and Last Name

A thank you letter is sent within 24 hours of an interview, by e-mail, to each person who interviewed you. Use the letter to emphasize your interest in the job and how you qualify for the position.

  • (First paragraph) Thank the interviewer for his/her time, express your pleasure in meeting him/her, and learning more about the job and organization.
  • (Second paragraph) Briefly re-emphasize how your skills, experience, and personal qualities make you a good candidate for the position, and how you can assist the organization if you are hired.
  • (Third paragraph) Say that you appreciate being considered, and that you look forward to hearing from him/her about the job.
Example Thank-you Letter

27 Southcross Trail
Fairhaven, CT 06513
November 1, 20XX

Miriam Seymour
Human Resources Generalist
Superior Graphics
222 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10013

Dear Miriam Seymour:

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on November 1, 20XX to discuss the position of Graphics Assistant in the production department. I enjoyed meeting you, and I appreciate you giving me more information about the opening and your organization. After we talked, I am even more interested in the job and supporting Superior Graphic's reputation for providing high quality marketing communication solutions for each of your clients.

As we discussed, I believe my knowledge, abilities and previous work experience in computer publishing, digital image manipulation and web production meet and exceed the requirements for the position. My creativity and attention to detail, along with a proven ability to follow given technical specifications and meet deadlines, would be a perfect match for your work environment. With my passion for different media, I would be eager to take on projects myself or contribute to a team to deliver the current and effective electronic and print products your clients demand.

I appreciate you considering me and look forward to hearing from you about your hiring decision.


Beverly Carter

Often during the application process, an employer will ask for a reference list. This is a list that has names and contact information for people who know you well and are willing to say positive things about your work and personal qualities. See below for “Who can be a reference?”.

Video about references

What is a reference list?

(click here for example)

  • It is a page that is separate from your resume.
  • It lists 3 or 4 people who know you well and are willing to talk to potential employers about your personality and skills.
  • Make sure to ask your references before adding them to your list.
Who can be a reference?
  • Former employers or co-workers
  • Coaches, mentors, or club advisors
  • Former or current teachers
  • Former or current academic counselors
  • Not relatives or friends
What do you do with the reference list?
  • Bring copies of your list with you to interviews (use high quality resume paper)
  • Include it in your portfolio /li>
What does the reference list contain?
  • Your resume’s header with your name and contact information should be the same on your reference document.
  • The name, job title, employer name, address and contact information for each of your references

Send an email when you accept or turn down a job offer so there is a written record of your decision. Evaluate the offer carefully before you send the letter. See "Job Negotiation" for more information. When you accept the offer, it is a commitment you make to the employer, and you cannot change your mind.

To accept:

  • Express thanks for the offer of the position, using the exact job title, with the date you received the offer.
  • Say how pleased you are to accept the offer at the stated salary, and confirm the date you will start working.
  • State that you are looking forward to working at the organization.

Example Acceptance Letter

Box 4145
30 Lowenthal Road
Rochester, NY 14623
June 15, 20XX

Harry Cronkite
ABC Limited
4903 Midtown Avenue
Hershey, NY 14389

Dear Harry Cronkite:
Thank you for your email from June 10, 20XX in which you offered me the position of Lab Technician. I am very happy to be able to accept the offer at the stated salary of $XX,XXX per year. The July 1, 20XX start date is fine for me.

I am looking forward to working at ABC Limited.


Susan Smith

Example Decline Letter

21 Colorado St.
Rochester, NY 14623
August 15, 20XX

Mary Smith
Personnel Manager
Peterbilt Trucks, Inc.
P.O. Box 1234
Harrisburg, PA 10036

Dear Mary Smith:

Thank you for your email from July 30, 20XX, in which you offered me the position of Mechanical Engineer. I am unable to accept the offer because I have decided to accept a position with a firm closer to my hometown.

Thank you for your time and your interest in me. Best wishes in filling the job opening.


Robert Wabash


Learn more about how to conduct email correspondence.

Writing Business Emails

There is a difference between sending email correspondence to an employer and sending email to friends. The format and wording of email sent to an employer must be professional and business-like, not casual. There is etiquette, or certain rules, that must be followed when sending email correspondence to an employer.

When sending email correspondence to employers:

  • Use a business letter format. For more information, see Correspondence.
  • Use a professional salutation ("Dear Mr. Johnson:" instead of "Hey" or "Hello").
  • Do not use a cute, personal or suggestive e-mail address (e.g., hotpink@aol.com).
  • State the topic of your email in the subject line.
  • Keep your message brief with important details.
  • Do not use abbreviations.
  • Do not use emojis.
  • Use correct spelling and proper grammar.


A portfolio is a visual way to highlight your skills during a job interview. Presenting your work is a crucial part of the hiring process. A portfolio should demonstrate creative ability, technical skills and ideas. It will leave a lasting impression about your unique style, talent and experience. It is probably the most important marketing tool you will create.

Video about portfolios

Portfolio Contents
  • Resume
  • Reference list
  • Five to eight samples of your best work showing your job skills
  • For college students:
    • Information on major/education
    • Course curriculum
Types of Portfolios

Make sure to have an electronic and a paper printout portfolio with you for the interview

  • Traditional (print) – an actual book with printed examples of your work
  • Electronic portfolio - e.g., PDF, email or internet download
  • Professional webpage – an interactive site showing examples of your work
Developing your best portfolio:
  • Remember neatness and careful organization are important.
  • Include high quality samples/projects.
  • Select samples from the past two years of college or employment.
  • Put your best and most relevant work first.
  • Label each sample with information on how you created the work (e.g., software, equipment and materials used).
  • Practice presenting your portfolio with your employment advisor, faculty members and professional people

Job Search Links

There are many resources for job seekers on the internet. In addition to listing job openings, many offer suggestions and advice as well as provide links to other sites having employment-related resources.

Art/Design/Imaging Employment Links

Business Employment Links

Computer Employment Links

Engineering Employment Links

Print/Publishing Employment Links

Science and Math Employment Links

There are many resources for students on the internet. In addition to listing job openings, many offer suggestions and advice as well as provide links to other sites having employment-related resources. Here are some you can start with:


Job Postings

Job Search Guides

Employer Information

Employment and Disability

Deaf Links

Career Topics
City Information
Deaf Worker Profiles
Employment and Disability Links
Job Search Guides
Washington DC
Arizona @ Work
Public Service Careers

The Interview

Many companies screen applicants over the phone. How well you do will depend on your preparation for such calls and the impression you make. Here are some tips:

  1. Any phone calls or videophone calls during your job search could be an employer. Answer the phone appropriately every time; first impressions are important.
  2. Some employers may email you to set up a specific time for a phone interview. There are a few ways you can handle this:
    • Now might be a good time to inform the employer that you are deaf or hard-of-hearing if the employer does not already know.
    • Confirm your phone number with the employer representative.
    • If you are using a VP to conduct the interview:
      • We recommend that you ask the representative for a phone number so you can initiate the call. The advantages to this are you can take time to find an interpreter you are comfortable with, tell the interpreter it is a real interview situation, take time to discuss technical vocabulary and allow the interpreter to become accustomed to your signing so the interpreter can represent you well.
      • If you are not satisfied with the interpreter you have, you can request a switch. Be sure to inform the interviewer what is happening when you do that.
      • Here is an example of what you could say to explain how a videophone works: “I am using a relay service for the deaf to help us communicate over the phone.” For assistance see Telecommunications and Relay Services under the Equipment and Services section.
  3. Keep the following items next to your telephone, computer or videophone: paper; pen; copy of your resume; date book; a log of companies you have contacted; your own course schedule, including major exams/projects; a copy of the job description; and questions ready to ask based on your research.
  4. At the beginning of the interview be sure to let the interviewer know that for VRS, captioned telephone or online relay, there may be a slight time lag before he or she receives your response from the relay operator.
  5. Express energy and enthusiasm when you respond to the interviewer.
  6. It’s okay to take a little bit of time to think about what you will answer or ask next.
  7. Don't hang up before you know the next step and thank the interviewer for the interview.
  8. Be sure to get the interviewer's title and other contact information for follow up.
  9. For questions, contact your NCCC employment advisor.

The employer’s first impression of you will be made in the first 30 seconds. It is important to dress for success. If you are dressed too casually (blue jeans, sneakers, t-shirt), the employer may think you are not serious about working. What you wear should look professional for interviews, employer visits and career fairs.

  • Be sure you dress appropriately for the work environment. If you are unsure about what to wear, it's best to dress in business attire.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are tight, revealing or trendy.
  • Talk to professionals in your career field for advice on what to wear.
  • Do not wear strong-smelling perfume or cologne, but be mindful of your personal hygiene.
  • Look clean and neat. Be sure your nails are clean and trimmed, and your hair is done appropriately.
  • Depending on the work environment, you may want to cover any tattoos and remove any visible body piercing. Conservative earrings are acceptable.

Even after you are successful in getting the job, you should continue to pay attention to your wardrobe. You should regularly add pieces made of high quality, long wearing fabrics. It is best to buy clothes you can mix and match with the pieces that you already own.

Preparing for an Interview

Video about interviewing

Communication During the Interview

Placeholder for video about interviewing

Both videos were developed in the course of an agreement between the Research to Practice Division, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education Grant Award #H326D060001 and #H326D060002 and the Postsecondary Education Programs Network (PEPNet). Additional information about the Pepnet 2 Getting a Job! resources can be found at this website.

Interviewing with an Interpreter
  • As soon as you know the date, time and location of your interview, ask the company if they can provide an interpreter. If not, you are responsible for arranging for an interpreter for the interview. Contact your Employment Advisor, VR counselor or an interpreting referral agency to make arrangements. Ask for an interpreter who is knowledgeable in your career area, if possible.
  • Meet with the interpreter about 15 minutes before the interview to discuss your communication preferences and to review technical sign vocabulary.
  • Take responsibility for effective communication by introducing the interpreter to the interviewer and briefly explaining his/her role.
  • For example: “Hello, I'm John Smith. Kathy Jones is here to facilitate our communication. She will communicate everything that is said or signed. Do you mind if she sits next to you so I can see you both at the same time? Thank you.”
Interviewing without an Interpreter
  • Prepare an introduction for the receptionist/secretary/staff assistant:
  • "I am Mary Smith. I have a 10:00 appointment with the manager, Mr. Man, of the marketing department."
  • Bring your resume and examples of your work. You can use these to help answer questions by referring to them.
  • Make eye contact with the interviewer. Ask the interviewer to look directly at you when they speak.
  • Make sure you understand questions the interviewer asks you. If you are not sure you understand the question, ask the interviewer to repeat or write down the question.
  • When writing, keep your answers short and to the point and use proper grammar. Be as accurate with the technical information as possible and know the names of equipment and software you can use.
  • Explain the best way for the interviewer to contact you (email, use of relay service, etc.).

No two interviews are the same. Here is a list of questions to give you an idea of what the interviewer may ask. You should be prepared to answer these questions. Please review your answers with your employment advisor or your professor.

Possible interview questions:

  • Did you have any trouble finding the office?
  • Tell me a little about yourself.
  • What job are you applying for?
  • Do you have a resume for me?
  • Why did you decide to attend RIT/NTID?
  • Why are you interested in this kind of work?
  • What skills do you have in this field?
  • What do you like doing the most in this field?
  • What do you like doing the least?
  • Why are you interested in our organization?
  • What are some of your strengths?
  • What are some of your weaknesses?
  • Tell me a problem or a challenge you recently had, and how did you solve it?
  • How do you work under pressure?
  • Give me an example of when you had to do a lot of extra work to help finish a project.
  • Do you like to work alone or as part of a team?
  • Tell me about a time when you influenced a team to get something done.
  • What have you learned from your past work experience?
  • How do you/will you communicate with other workers?
  • Have you ever worked with a person who was hard to get along with, and how did you handle that?
  • Why should I hire you and not the other people who are applying for this job?
  • What do you see yourself doing 5 years from now, and where?
  • Using one word, how would you describe yourself?
  • Do you have any questions for me?
  • Do you have a list of references?
  • What is the best way to contact you?

Below are questions designed to learn about an applicant’s behavior in the following categories and suggestions on how to prepare your own answers.

  • Give an example of your ability to build motivation in your co-workers, classmates, and even if on a volunteer committee.
  • What is the toughest group that you have had to get cooperation from? Describe how you handled it. What was the outcome?
  • Have you ever been a member of a group where two of the members did not work well together? What did you do to address that situation?
  • Give an example of a time when you went above and beyond your work responsibilities.
  • Tell me about an important goal that you set in the past. Were you successful? Why?
  • Describe a situation when you were able to have a positive influence on the actions of others.
  • How would you define success for someone in your chosen career?
Planning and Organization
  • What have you done in order to be effective in planning and staying organized?
  • How do you schedule your time? Set priorities? How do you handle doing a lot of things at once?
  • What do you do when your time schedule or project plan is impacted by unforeseen circumstances? Give an example.
  • Describe how you develop a project team’s goals and project plan?
  • Give an example of a time when you had to be relatively quick in coming to a decision.
  • What was your most difficult decision in the past six months? What made it difficult?
  • What kind of decisions do you make rapidly? What kind take more time? Give examples.
  • Tell me about a situation when you had to speak up (be assertive) in order to get a point across that was important to you.
  • Describe the most significant written document, report or presentation you have had to complete.
  • Give me an example of a time when you were able to successfully communicate with another person, even when that individual may not have personally liked you.
  • Have you had to "sell" an idea to your co-workers, classmates or group? How did you do it? Did they "buy" it?
Interpersonal Skills
  • Describe a situation in which you were able to effectively “read” another person and guide your actions by your understanding of their needs and values.
  • What have you done in past situations to contribute toward a teamwork environment?
  • Describe a recent unpopular decision you made and what the result was.
  • Tell me about the most difficult or frustrating individual that you’ve ever had to work with and how you managed to work with them.
  • Give me an example of when you had to go above and beyond your work responsibilities in order to get a job done.
  • Give me examples of projects/tasks you started on your own.
  • Give some instances in which you anticipated problems and were able to influence a new direction.
  • Describe the types of teams you’ve been involved with. What were your roles?
  • Describe a team experience you found rewarding.
  • Describe a team experience you found disappointing. What would you have done to prevent this?

Video about interviewing

Your academic knowledge and skills may be spectacular, but do you have the social skills needed to be successful in the workplace? Good professional etiquette indicates to potential employers that you are a mature, responsible adult who can aptly represent their company. Not knowing proper etiquette could damage your image, prevent you from getting a job and jeopardize personal and business relationships.

Meeting and Greeting

Etiquette begins with meeting and greeting. Terry Cobb, human resource director at Wachovia Corporation in South Carolina's Palmetto region, emphasizes the importance of making a good first impression—beginning with the handshake. A firm shake, he says, indicates to employers that you're confident and assertive. Dave Owenby, human resources manager for North and South Carolina at Sherwin Williams, believes "good social skills include having a firm handshake, smiling, making eye contact and closing the meeting with a handshake."

The following basic rules will help you get ahead in the workplace:

  • Always rise when introducing or being introduced to someone.
  • Unless given permission, always address someone by their title and last name.
  • Practice a firm handshake. Make eye contact while shaking hands.


Shirley Willey, owner of Etiquette & Company in Carmichael, Calif., reports that roughly 80% of second interviews involve a business meal. Cobb remembers one candidate who had passed his initial interview with flying colors. Because the second interview was scheduled close to noon, Cobb decided to conduct the interview over lunch. Initially, the candidate was still in the "interview" mode and maintained his professionalism. After a while, however, he became more relaxed—and that's when the candidate's real personality began to show. He had terrible table manners, made several off-color remarks and spoke negatively about previous employers. Needless to say, Cobb was unimpressed, and the candidate did not get the job.

Remember that an interview is always an interview, regardless of how relaxed or informal the setting. Anything that is said or done will be considered by the interviewer, cautions Cobb.

An interview could be conducted over lunch or dinner. You should make sure you have good etiquette and table manners. In order to make a good impression during a lunch or dinner interview, make sure you:

  • Arrive on time.
  • Wait to sit until the host/hostess indicates the seating arrangement.
  • Place a napkin in your lap before eating or drinking anything.
  • When ordering, keep in mind that this is a talking business lunch. Order something inexpensive and easy to eat.
  • Avoid ordering alcoholic beverages or large amounts of food.
  • Do not hold the order up because you cannot make a decision. Feel free to ask for suggestions from others at the table.
  • Wait to eat until everyone has been served.
  • Keep your hands in your lap unless you are using them to eat.
  • Practice proper posture; sit up straight with your arms close to your body.
  • Bring food to your mouth—not your head to the plate.
  • Try to eat at the same pace as everyone else.
  • Take responsibility for keeping up the conversation.
  • Place a napkin on the chair seat if excusing yourself for any reason.
  • Place a napkin beside the plate at the end of the meal.
  • Push the chair under the table when excusing yourself.


Follow these simple rules for eating and drinking:

  • Start eating with the implement that is farthest away from your plate. You may have two spoons and two forks. The spoon farthest away from your plate is a soup spoon. The fork farthest away is a salad fork unless you have three forks, one being much smaller, which would be a seafood fork for an appetizer. The dessert fork/spoon is usually above the plate. Remember to work from the outside in.
  • Dip soup away from you; sip from the side of the spoon.
  • Season food only after you have tasted it.
  • Pass salt and pepper together—even if asked for only one.
  • Pass all items to the right. If the item has a handle, such as a pitcher, pass with the handle toward the next person. For bowls with spoons, pass with the spoon ready for the next person. If you are the one to reach to the center of the table for an item, pass it before serving yourself.
  • While you are speaking during a meal, utensils should be resting on the plate (fork and knife crossed on the plate with tines down).
  • Don't chew with your mouth open or blow on your food.

The interviewer will usually take care of the bill and the tip. Be prepared, however, if this doesn't happen and have small bills ready to take care of your part, including the tip. Never make an issue of the check.

Social skills can make or break your career. Kenitra Matheson, human resource director with Dellinger and Deese in Charlotte, N.C., emphasizes "etiquette and social skills are a must! Our employees have to exhibit a certain level of professionalism and etiquette, given that we constantly interact with our clients." Be one step ahead - practice the social skills necessary to help you make a great first impression and stand out in a competitive job market.

Written by Jennie Hunter, a professor at Western Carolina University.

The Job Offer

An area of the job search that often receives little attention is the art of negotiating. Once you have been offered a job, you have the opportunity to discuss the terms of your employment. Negotiations may be uncomfortable or unsatisfying because we tend to approach them with a winner-take-all attitude that is counterproductive to the concept of negotiations.

Negotiating with your potential employer can make your job one that best meets your own needs as well as those of your employer. To ensure successful negotiations, it is important to understand the basic components. The definition of negotiation as it relates to employment is: a series of communications (either oral or in writing) that reach a satisfying conclusion for all concerned parties, most often between the new employee and the hiring organization.

Negotiation is a planned series of events that requires strategy, presentation, and patience. Preparation is probably the single most important part of successful negotiations. Any good trial attorney will tell you the key to presenting a good case in the courtroom is the hours of preparation that happen beforehand. The same is true for negotiating. A good case will literally present itself. What follows are some suggestions that will help you prepare for successful negotiating.


Gather as much factual information as you can to back up the case you want to make. For example, if most entering employees cannot negotiate salary, you may be jeopardizing the offer by focusing on that aspect of the package. Turn your attention to other parts of the offer such as their health plan, dental plan, retirement package, the type of schedule you prefer, etc.

Psychological Preparation

Chances are that you will not know the person with whom you will be negotiating. If you are lucky enough to be acquainted, spend some time reviewing what you know about this person's communication style and decision-making behavior.

In most cases, however, this person will be a stranger. Since most people find the unknown a bit scary, you'll want to ask yourself what approach to negotiating you find most comfortable. How will you ensure you feel confident enough to ask for what you want? How will you respond to counteroffers? What are your alternatives? What's your bottom line? In short, plan your strategy.

Be sure you know exactly what you want. This does not mean you will get exactly that, but having the information clear in your head will help you determine what you are willing to concede. Unless you know what you want, you won't be able to tell somebody else. Clarity improves communication, which is the conduit for effective negotiations.


Rehearse the presentation in advance using another person as the employer. If you make mistakes in rehearsal, chances are that you will not repeat them during the actual negotiations. A friend can critique your reasoning and help you prepare for questions. If this all seems like a lot of work, remember that if something is worth negotiating for, it is worth preparing for.

Dollars and Sense

Always begin by expressing genuine interest in the position and the organization, emphasizing the areas of agreement but allowing "wiggle room" to compromise on other areas. Be prepared to support your points of disagreement, outlining the parts you would like to alter, your suggestions on how this can be done and why it would serve the company's best interests to accommodate your request.

Be prepared to defend your proposal. Back up your reasons for wanting to change the offer with meaningful, work-related skills and positive benefits to the employer. Requesting a salary increase because you are a fast learner or have a high GPA are usually not justifiable reasons in the eyes of the employer. Meaningful work experience or internships that have demonstrated or tested your professional skills are things that will make an employer stop and take notice.

It is sometimes more comfortable for job-seekers to make this initial request in writing and plan to meet later to hash out the differences. You will need to be fairly direct and assertive at this point even though you may feel extremely vulnerable. Keep in mind that the employer has chosen you from a pool of qualified applicants, so you are not as powerless as you think.

Sometimes the employer will bristle at the suggestions that there is room to negotiate. Stand firm, but encourage the employer to think about it for a day or two at which time you will discuss the details of your proposal with him/her. Do not rush the process because you are uncomfortable. The employer may be counting on this discomfort and use it to derail the negotiations. Remember, this is a series of volleys and lobs, trade-offs and compromises that occur over a period of time. It is a process - not a singular event!

Once you have reached a conclusion with which you are both relatively comfortable, present in writing your interpretation of the agreement so that if there is any question, it will be addressed immediately. Negotiation, by definition, implies that each side will give. Do not perceive it as an ultimatum.

If the employer chooses not to grant any of your requests - and realistically, he or she can do that - you will still have the option of accepting the original offer provided you have maintained a positive, productive, and friendly atmosphere during your exchanges. You can always re-enter negotiations after you have demonstrated your worth to the organization.

Money Isn't Everything

There are many things you can negotiate besides salary. For example, benefits can add thousands of dollars to the compensation package. Benefits can range from paid personal leave to discounts on the company's products and services. They constitute more than just icing on the cake; they may be better than the cake itself. Traditional benefit packages include health insurance, paid vacation and personal/sick days. Companies may offer such benefits as child care or elderly care as well. Other lucrative benefits could include disability and life insurance and a variety of retirement plans. Some organizations offer investment and stock options as well as relocation reimbursement and tuition credits for continued education.

Written by Lily Maestas, Counseling and Career Services, University of California, Santa Barbara.

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This video was developed in the course of agreement between the Research to Practice Division, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education Grant Award #H326D060001 and #H326D060002 and the Postsecondary Education Programs Network (PEPNet). Additional information about the Pepnet 2 Getting a Job! resources can be found at this website.

Watch Video

This video was developed in the course of agreement between the Research to Practice Division, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education Grant Award #H326D060001 and #H326D060002 and the Postsecondary Education Programs Network (PEPNet). Additional information about the pepnet 2 Getting a Job! resources can be found at this website.

Congratulations! You've just been offered a job, now what? Evaluating an offer to make sure it is the right job for you is important. There are many things to consider besides the salary before you accept a job offer. Some examples include career growth, networking and gaining experience. Remember that one job can lead to another opportunity in the future.

What to consider when evaluating an offer:

  • Is the job content or nature of work something you want to do?
  • Is the work environment and location acceptable to you?
  • Does the salary and benefits (medical, dental, retirement, vacation, etc.) meet your needs?
  • Is the typical work week and hours per day acceptable to you?
  • Does the employer offer training or tuition assistance programs to employees?
  • Does the employer offer opportunities to advance on the job?
  • Are there employee groups at work that you may be interested in joining?

Tips to remember:

  • Know what the typical salary range is for the job (salary range information is available through the internet, Bureau of Labor Statistics, trade magazines).
  • Develop a monthly budget listing all of your real and anticipated expenses to figure out what your salary requirement is.
  • Benefits an employer offers can add as much as 30-40% to your actual salary.
  • You do not need to accept any offer immediately, you can ask the employer for a little time to carefully think about the offer before you make your decision.

In addition to salary, an employer may offer:

  • Medical insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • Retirement plan, pension, 401K
  • Tuition assistance
  • Vacation, holiday, personal time off
  • Sick leave
  • Relocation expenses
  • Company car
  • Stock purchases
  • Bonus
  • Flexible work schedule
  • Child care reimbursement or service
  • Membership in professional associations and related travel

After you evaluate a job offer, you decide whether to accept it or decline. If you think you might receive another offer, contact the other employer first before you make a decision. See Ethics of Accepting/Rejecting an Offer below. Once you decide, there are some procedures to follow.

Example letters are in the Letters to Accept/Decline section of the Job Search Documents.


  • Thank the employer for their offer and ask him/her to give you the details of the offer in writing.
  • Write a letter accepting the offer, thanking the employer, and summarizing the details. Remember this is a commitment and you can't change your mind. Keep a copy.
  • If you are working, write a brief letter of resignation, using the same business letter format you used with your cover letters and thank-you notes. Keep a copy.
  • Give your current supervisor at least two weeks notice so he/she can make plans to replace you. You want to leave in a positive way, since you may want to ask him/her for a reference in the future, and network with him/her at a later time.
  • If you have received an offer from another employer, write him/her a letter declining the offer (see below).
  • Share your good news with the people who have helped you with your job search and thank them.


  • Be professional in turning down an offer, since you may meet the people involved later in your career, or decide to apply there again in the future.
  • Write a letter declining the offer, thanking them for their interest in you, and end the letter in a positive way. Keep a copy.

Ethics of Accepting/Declining

Once you accept a co-op job offer, even verbally, you must not change your mind and back out to work for another employer. If you have any questions/concerns about this, discuss with your employment advisor before taking action!

Good employer relations are important for the success of our co-op program, and you, the student, are a part of this relationship. Therefore, consider carefully before accepting a co-op position.

  • Discuss offers thoroughly with employers so you understand the terms and reach a mutually acceptable date to respond to their offer.
  • Request more time from employers if you need to consider other opportunities. Do not ignore deadline dates you have agreed upon.
  • Notify employers that you are accepting or rejecting an offer as soon as you make your decision - never later than the arranged date.
  • Once you accept a job offer, immediately inform other employers who are considering you. Your acceptance of an offer is a commitment you made to the employer.
  • Cancel any other scheduled interviews or on-site visits.

When you have a new job, there are some things you can do to help you be successful.

Before you begin work

  • If you don't have a job description, ask for it, so you can see how your duties are explained and prioritized.
  • Look at the organizational chart of the employer, so you can see how work groups are arranged, and where you fit in.
  • Large employers have organizational handbooks, newsletters, and employee websites that will help you understand policies, procedures and values of the workplace.
  • Discuss accommodations you will need with your supervisor, including a request for an interpreter for orientation and training.

Starting the job

  • Dress professionally to make a good impression.
  • Explain to people the best way to communicate with you.
  • Show enthusiasm and respect for the employer's way of doing things.
  • Ask what is expected from you and how to accomplish work goals.
  • Take notes to help you remember what to do.
  • Keep benefits documents you receive for future information.

On the job

  • Arrive on time, or even a little early, to the workplace and meetings.
  • Be friendly and positive.
  • Fit in with the work culture and follow rules.
  • Find out what your supervisor's expectations are, and do things the way he/she wants them done.
  • Understand your role on team projects and your responsibilities.
  • Learn from observing and asking others for clarification and advice.
  • Try to work out solutions to problems, but request help when needed.
  • Complete your assignments by the deadline.
  • When you are done with your work, inform your supervisor, and offer to help others.
  • Keep up with changes in technology.
  • Take workshops or classes offered by the employer to learn more.
  • Join professional associations and attend events to network and help others.
  • Ask your supervisor for a performance evaluation after working six months, to see what you are doing well, and what you can do to improve.


This video was developed in the course of agreement between the Research to Practice Division, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education Grant Award #H326D060001 and #H326D060002 and the Postsecondary Education Programs Network (PEPNet). Additional information about the pepnet 2 Getting a Job! resources can be found at this website.

If you receive Social Security financial benefits, you must contact the Social Security office and report your monthly earnings.

To learn more about reporting your job earnings/wages click here.