NLC Services

About the NTID Learning Center (NLC)

The NTID Learning Center, located in LBJ-2450, provides a variety of academic resources for NTID students. It has computer work stations, laptop docking stations, study spaces, multimedia facilities, and services like printing and copying. The NLC strives to create a welcoming environment for all students.

Students can use both Windows or MAC computers, making sure everyone has access to the academic software they need. Students can borrow things like calculators, phone chargers, and headsets for use in the center. This is helpful for students who might need extra tools for a short time.

For assistance with writing assignments and Math homework, students can find special tutoring areas in the NLC for English and Math. To know when these services are available and whether they're in person or on Zoom, click on the dropdown menus under the Tutoring section below.

For group work, students can reserve Group Study Areas in the NLC. These areas are meant for teamwork and shared learning experiences, showing that the center values collaboration among students. There is also a Multipurpose Video Lab where students can record videos for assignments or personal use, allowing for creative and technological exploration.

The NLC also takes care of basic needs like printing, copying, and email/scan services. This makes it easy for students to reproduce and share academic materials. To keep students updated, they can follow us on social media for announcements and community building on Facebook at Facebook or Instagram.

NLC Hours

Regular Hours:

Monday: 8:30 am - 10:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:30 am - 10:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:30 am - 10:00 pm
Thursday: 8:30 am - 10:00 pm
Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday: 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm


  • Calculator Loan Program
  • Course materials & reference books
  • Additional items to be loaned out (headphone, phone charger, and more)
  • NLC staff readily available for support
  • The NLC has Windows computer stations and MAC computer stations.
  • The NLC loan program allows students to borrow a variety of resources for use inside the NLC (calculators, phone chargers, headsets, etc.)
  • Reserve Group Study Areas (ask at the Resource Desk) - limit to 2 people at each area.
  • Record videos for class assignments/projects or for personal videos in the Multipurpose Video Lab inside the NLC.
  • Print, copy, and email/scan documents.

Windows & MAC Computer Stations

Each station is equipped with Windows and MAC computers and webcams. Most specialized software is installed on computers for use in your assignment and coursework.

Copier Machine (including printout & scanner)

Need quick printing? Go to the Quick Stop station.

English Tutoring Room

  • Professional and Peer Tutoring Service
  • Whiteboards
  • Several computer stations

Math Tutoring Room

  • Professional and Peer Tutoring Service
  • SmartBoard and whiteboards
  • Several computer stations

Study & Study Lounge Area

Video Lab Studio*

The video lab can be used for class assignment/projects, for organizations, and/or for personal video announcements.

  • Video production workstation
  • Blue background for special effects
  • Studio lights and microphone
  • Camtasia editing software

*To reserve the lab studio, please email Jim Dolan, NLC Staff Assistant at

Did you know the NLC has webcams
Quick printing available


Professional Tutoring

Professional English Tutoring Schedule

Peer Tutoring

Not available this semester

How to schedule an appointment for tutoring

For Professional English Tutoring, you will need to register at
You will need to sign in or register for an account.

Any questions please contact:

Professional English Tutoring: Jeanine Yamonaco
Peer English Tutoring: Not available

Academic support is a unique blend of resources available to each deaf and hard-of-hearing student who takes courses in the other eight colleges and two-degree granting units of RIT. Students can choose to meet with NTID faculty tutors who have content expertise in the student’s major program, are proficient in sign language, and work closely with the faculty teaching the courses. Learn more

Support Coordinators

NTID Academic Department — RIT College Support Coordinator Contact Info
NTID ICS - RIT GCCIS Brian Nadworny
NTID Engineering - RIT CET David Monahan
NTID Science and Math - RIT COS, CHST Camille Ouellette
NTID Liberal Studies - RIT COLA Dara Doane
NTID Business - RIT SCOB, CET (Hospitality), COLA (Economics) Kelly Metz Davis
NTID VCS — RIT College of Art and Design Shannon Connell

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