TRIPOD - Videos

TRIPOD Interview Videos

TRIPOD parents get candid with Jim DeCaro.

In 2012 Dr. DeCaro interviews three couples who were prime movers behind the TRIPOD project.

Trice Koopman & Mark Freund

Transition to Burbank Unified
Trice Koopman and Mark Freund are the parents of twins, one of whom is Deaf. Here they discuss the challenges of integrating TRIPOD.

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Barbara Montan & Chris Montan

Family and Deaf Awareness
Barbara and Chris Montan have a Deaf and a hearing son. In the early 1990's, they were pioneers in captioning Hollywood films. Here they talk...

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Michael Shamberg & Megan Williams

TRIPOD Founding
Michael Shamberg and Megan Williams discuss accepting and raising deaf children, and why they decided to establish TRIPOD for their Deaf son.

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Language Says It All

Language Says It All was nominated for an Academy Award for "Best Documentary Short" 1987.