
  • September 23, 2022

    a Toyota Landcruiser retrofitted to serve as an ambulance.

    Neonatal ambulance hits ground in Honduras

    After five years of collaboration and production, the neonatal transport ambulance designed by RIT’s Hope for Honduras team has hit the ground in Honduras. The ambulance will help save countless young lives by greatly enhancing medical access to neonatal care for those living in rural areas of the country.

  • September 16, 2022

    graphic with portrait of Lishibanya Mohapatra, assistant professor in the College of Science.

    NIH funds new RIT-led study to explore how living cells regulate the growth of organelles

    Lishibanya Mohapatra, an assistant professor at RIT’s School of Physics and Astronomy, hopes that a better understanding of how living cells maintain the size of their organelles can lead to therapies for neurodegenerative diseases. She earned a five-year, $1.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study how cells control the size of organelles.

  • August 8, 2022

    Two students hold up their game design with seascape elements

    RIT students use innovative design through Studio930 to enhance lives

    RIT students participated in this summer’s Studio930 design consultancy, an interdisciplinary studio that focuses on the development of assistive healthcare solutions by leveraging the use of technology, art, and design. The 10-week long summer experience concluded with a student exhibition inside RIT’s LiveAbility Lab, a close partnership between RIT and the Al Sigl Community of Agencies. 

  • July 25, 2022

    professor and two students talking in a lab.

    Vinay Abhyankar receives NSF grant to assess cancer cell migration processes

    Cancer spreading from the primary tumor location to another is called metastasis and is the leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. Research efforts today focus on discovering the guidance cues, or indicators, that promote movement of cancer cells toward blood vessels during early metastasis, and some of that work is taking place at RIT and the University of Rochester.

  • June 28, 2022

    researcher demonstrating device that simulates smoking a cigarette.

    Mechanical engineering professor appointed to Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee

    Risa Robinson was appointed to the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee. Robinson, department head of mechanical engineering in RIT’s Kate Gleason College of Engineering, brings extensive research in the area of fluid dynamics, particle inhalation and toxicological effects of various tobacco products and nicotine delivery devices.

  • May 24, 2022

    portrait of researcher Brenda Abu.

    RIT researcher studies pica practices and iron nutrition among pregnant women

    Brenda Abu, assistant professor in RIT’s Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition, seeks to understand the effect pica, iron deficiency anemia, and food insecurity have on maternal health during pregnancy. Pica refers to excessive craving and/or eating of non-food items, such as, clay, soil, paper, ice, and paint chips.

  • May 11, 2022

    four people in yellow clean suits looking at microchips.

    Powering the future

    Supply chain disruptions and a strong demand for consumer electronics during the pandemic led to a global chip shortage. The shortage has highlighted the need to strengthen the domestic semiconductor industry and has put a new emphasis on microelectronic engineering education.

  • May 9, 2022

    portrait of Sherry Dadgar.

    Dadgar works to make medicine personal

    Sherry Dadgar ’08 MS (bioinformatics) wants the future of medicine to empower patients. Dadgar, a clinical assistant professor of medicine at George Washington University, launched her company, Personalized Medicine Care Diagnostics (PMCDx), in 2020 with a goal of delivering advanced clinical genomic diagnostic testing to patients and their physicians.

  • March 2, 2022

    the front desk of RIT Venture Creations Business Incubator.

    RIT Venture Creations member companies secure $45 million in investment funding

    Two member companies at RIT’s Venture Creations business incubator are continuing their upward trajectory with the help of two multimillion-dollar investments: Casana, a healthcare technology firm that is reinventing in-home health monitoring, and Owl Autonomous Imaging (Owl AI), which is developing monocular 3D thermal imaging and ranging solutions for automotive active safety systems.